Chapter 12 - The goodnight kiss

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I end up talking his ears off, telling him about how when I was little my dad and I would salvage old computers and try to build a new one. He's nodding and listening and asks me question after question. Our food arrives, and it feels natural to keep talking.

I tell him about the living room being filled with computer parts and how triumphant we felt when we got something to work.

Somewhere, in the back of my head, I wonder if dad used to make it an adventure to cover for the fact that he could afford much when I was a kid. Whatever the reason, it's some of my favorite memories and it kick-started my love for computers and computer science.

I tell Ethan all of this. Everything except the money part. And he listens while we eat.

It's not until the check arrives and Ethan instantly puts his card down that I realize he's barely said a word.

"I'm sorry," I say. "You should have stopped me. I've been talking way too much." I eye the folder with the bill, wrestling with the need I feel to insist I pay for my own meal. But before I get a chance, the server has taken the folder and Ethan's card.

"Your eyes smile when you talk about your dad and computers."

I smirk at him. "My eyes smile?"

He shrugs. "Sometimes you look sad, almost worried. But not tonight."

I bite my lip. He makes a strangled sound.

"What?" Worry comes over me.

"That's so fucking hot. And you have no idea what it does to me."

I furrow my brow. "What is?"

"When you bite your lip like that." He reaches out a hand and runs his thumb across my bottom lip, making it tingle.

My mouth opens slightly as he continues to caress my lip. Our eyes lock, and the sizzle in the air is deafening. The restaurant fades away and it's just him and me. His dark brown eyes and my icy blue. And I know, without a doubt, that if he asked me right there and then, I'd sleep with him.

The server brings back the card and Ethan pulls away. I blink and adjust my cardigan as he signs the bill.

"We should go so we don't miss the movie." His voice is huskier than it was a moment ago, and I wonder if he felt what I did. He's probably used to going on dates and flirting with women. So maybe it's not the same for him.

"Right. Thank you for dinner," I say as we get up.

"You're welcome."

Confusion settles into me as he drives us to the theater. It's not far, but the silence is filled with... something.

He gets us tickets and I stare at the concession stand. I usually get a small pack of milk duds when I see a movie. Whether it's at home or in a theater, it's kind of become a tradition.

"Let's get popcorn," Ethan says, and takes my hand.

"Oh, I don't know."

But he's already ordering. "Two large popcorn and two drinks, one large, one..." He looks expectantly at me.

"Small," I say. I hesitate for a moment, then I gather courage. "And some milk duds, please."

Ethan turns to the cashier. "And milk duds."

I bring out my wallet and look for some cash. I scan the stand for the prices and wince a little. Then I count out the bills.

Ethan's hand covers mine. "This is on me."

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