Chapter 17 - A pricey picnic

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Saturday morning, I'm still mortified about what Connor said about me. In front of Ethan. The way my body froze when Connor informed Ethan that I suck in bed is something I'll never forget.

Ethan must have heard him. But he acted like he didn't. Maybe he's kind like that? But now he knows. Do I say something? What is there to say, though? He's not wrong.

I take a shower and get dressed, wallowing in self pity as I try to put everything out of my mind and get started on a project worth a good chunk of my grade.

But I've barely opened my laptop when Ethan texts me. I have to blink at the words a few times before a smile spreads across my face. He wants to hang out. He says he doesn't have a game today, so he'd like to spend the day with me.

Ellie had been right about hockey being good for business. I was so busy last night I barely had time to glance over at Ethan, much less take a break.

At one point, I was bringing out an order, and Ethan came up to me. He stopped me right between two tables and leaned in close. So similar to what Connor had done, but significantly different.

And when he placed his mouth next to my ear and said he had to leave, I almost melted. It was nothing like what I had felt earlier. Unsure of what to say, I just nodded at him. And he kissed my cheek. Just in front of my ear. And then he hurried after his friends.

The whole interaction left me so in shambles I just stood there until the table I'd been headed to started waving me down to bring their order.

And now he wants to see me again. I let him know that I have work at six o'clock, but I'm free until then.

I expect him to give me a time to be ready at, but he doesn't. Instead, he lets me know he'll be here to pick me up in five minutes. When I see the text, I almost panic. I quickly grab my things and check myself in the mirror. It'll have to do.

Part of me really doesn't want him to see how tiny my room is. And I don't need him meeting my roommates. For now, he's almost like my secret, and I think if they knew, they'd tease me relentlessly and let me know how delusional I am for ever thinking he might like me.

So I almost run out of the apartment and breathe a sigh of relief when the elevator reaches the bottom floor. I spot him as soon as I leave the building. He's surrounded by a group of girls. They're taking selfies with him.

I stop at a distance, not sure what to do. Nobody notices me. They never do. I'm a gray mouse next to a colorful bird. So I wait, feeling like an intruder or an outcast.

Our lives are so different. He seems to thrive in the limelight. A couple of guys come up to him, admiring his car. I wonder how expensive it has to be to get strangers to come up to him like that. Probably more than I imagine.

Then, he notices me. His face lights up and it's as if he's instantly forgotten about everyone else.

He tears himself free and hurries up to me.

"I'm so glad you could make it." He stops right in front of me, but doesn't touch me.

"You didn't really give me a lot of time to get ready." I'm wildly aware that I have no make-up on. Especially when I glance over at the girls he was just talking to. They look beautiful.

"You look perfect," he says and puts a hand on my back, leading me to the car.

"Does that happen a lot?" I gesture vaguely to his interactions with the girls.

He opens the car door and shrugs. "It comes with the territory. Hockey and whatnot. Being famous on social media." He winks at me as I get in the car and he closes the door.

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