Chapter 25 - Transformation ❤️

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She's in my room, and she looks terrified.

I swallow and try to ignore the bulge in my pants. Is this moving too fast for her? I should probably slow things down. She's not even looking at me.

"Say the word, and I'll drive you home." I make my voice soft, as if I'm addressing a wild animal. I don't like this scared expression. If shielding her from me will make it go away, then that's what I'll do.

I almost think she's going to take me up on it. Then she shakes her head. But she's still not looking at me.

So I take her chin and force her eyes to meet mine.

"What's wrong?"

She takes a deep breath. Smiles. "I want to do this." She bites her lip again and I force down the urge to suck on her lower lip. I can't do anything about my cock getting harder, though.


"It's just..."

She looks away and I lean in and kiss the corner of her mouth.

"Tell me."

Her face turns red. "I'm not very good."

I furrow my brow. "Not very good at what?"

"Sex." The word is the faintest whisper and I laugh. I immediately stop when I see her horrified expression.

I grab her face in both hands so she can't hide it from me. "Why would you say that?"

Fucking hell, there are tears in her eyes, and they sting my insides like poison. I shouldn't have fucking laughed. It was such a knee jerk reaction I couldn't stop it. Now I hate myself for it.

"Connor told me." Her voice is so faint I can barely make out the words. "So I know it's true."

"He's an ass."

"But at least he was honest."

Shaking my head, I push down my anger. I'm going to strangle that guy. I'm going to rip him open and strangle him with his own intestines.

"You're serious." A tear breaks free and rolls down her cheek.

"Maybe you should just take me home." She pulls out of my grip and puts a hand on the door handle.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"I'm good enough for the both of us." I regret the words as soon as they're out. I panicked. I panicked hard. But she stops. She's not opening the door.

Instead, she frowns and blinks a few times. "What?"

I grin. "It's true. I didn't mean to just blurt it out, but there it is."

I rub the back of my neck as she studies me, but her tears seem to be momentarily forgotten.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"


I walk up to her and grab her waist, maneuvering her so she has to drop the door handle.

"Look, I just know three things. One, I'm really good at sex. You're going to have a great time. Two, you turn me on and make me harder than any other woman has. Ever. The other day I was in the shower and just the thought of you practically had me coming."

She blushes at this, but her smile is softer. "What's the third thing?"

"Any man that says a woman is bad in bed doesn't know what he's doing. And he deserves to be punched in the dick."

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