Ch-16 Hide and Seek

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Those who are wondering which song is it , it's Wang Yibo song called twenty (Stand up)


Zi Xuan ," ughh this bastard won't leave this house by his own. Guess it's my time to play tonight drama."

Zi Xuan walks to Hapeng.

Ha peng ," Is he still crying?"

Zi Xuan ," Ye...No he isn't."

Ha peng ," really? Usually he cries over this after feeling guilty."

Zi Xuan ," he isn't omg which means he isn't guilty. He was talking to someone actually."

Hapeng ," WHAT?"

Zi Xuan ," yes brother trust me he was but quickly hid it when I entered."

Hapeng," but how my extra phone is with me"

Zi Xuan ," i don't know brother , maybe he has another device."

Hapeng," THIS ZHAN."

Saying this , he stormed off to zhan's room and turned the door handle only to see it was locked. Zhan never locks his door even if he is changing because Hapeng never allowed to and zhan never felt the need to do it since Hapeng ge is just a brother and won't do anything to him , even if he is doing zhan thinks that all brothers are like this.

Right now although Hapeng was furious he decided to act calm and let zhan open the door by himself to not scare zhan.

Hapeng ," Zhan? Are you in there? , pls open the door for gege."


Hapeng," gege wants to comfort you for being mean."

5 min ago

Zi Xuan leaves the room.

*Knock knock*

Zhan ," Aa she just left the room so why is she knocking?"

*Knock knock*

Zhan," eh from the window?"

Yibo," zhan it's me"

Zhan ,"👀gege don't tell you are outside of my window"

Zhan goes to open the door and sees Yibo staring at him. Zhan let's Yibo in and sit in the bed next to him.

Yibo," you called me"

Zhan," I know but I don't remember what made me call you tho"

Yibo," did u cry?"


Yibo," no need to lie , you still have dry tears in your face."

Zhan," oh"

Yibo ," Why did you cry? Who made you cry?"

Zhan," it's not big deal I just."

Yibo," Zhan "

Knowing that Yibo won't stop until zhan says the truth , zhan stares at him . Finally the tears that has stopped come again.

Zhan," yibogege....*sob*...Hapeng ge called me a slut."

Yibo," what?"

Zhan," yes gege he called me because I got my heat and blabbered something that I wasn't supposed to. I told about you and how I wanted to see a video like the one ge showed me in campus when I had heat."

Yibo," is that why you are crying?"

Zhan," no...he slapped me by saying that I am acting like a slut by liking you."

Taste Of Love •Yizhan•Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz