The day I met him

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Kiotos POV:
Hey, my name is Kioto Tio and I sold my soul as you probably know and l share a room with Lilith Sio. She also sold her soul to Mioro and the two of us lived here the longest because everyone else died with in a year. So we have to work in the mines 10 hours per day. And one day in a week we've to work 20 hours. "Hey Kioto whatcha doing.", askes Lilith aka Lily. "Nothing.", I answer and drag the deer in our shelter. Lily and I are very strong we can carry a 100 kilograms without any problems and hunt down over 20 grown people at a time. We're both half demons and have our own reason to sold our souls but that's a story for an other time. Now I have to.... "HELP",screams someone. I rush through the woods to a sea. There's a guy in a wheelchair who's being threatened by some strong looking man. "Now listen you little piece of
sh!t tell your master to send me the money or his precious soul won't live a long life!", says the man angrily. "I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but may I know what's going on.", I tell him calmly. "Who the f@ck are you?", shouts the man at me and spits my face. BIG MISTAKE!!! I take my knife out of my pocket and before he can react I stab him in his ugly face. "Thank you", says the guy and leaves.

Lions POV:
That guy just stabbed the man!!! I mean I'm grateful but I should keep distance. "Hey", says the guy. Oh sh!t I mean I can't roll away with my wheelchair and I'm scared that he might kill me so I say,"Heeey.",like nothing happened. The guy comes towards me and says:" Hey, my name is Kioto and who're you?" Is he really trying to have a conversation with me right now!!! I better play with it so I respond:" My name is Lion." "I heard that you've also sold your soul so will you be my friend?, asks Kioto and that is the last thing I expected that guy to say. So I stand there with my mouth wide open and staring at him and ask:" Will you kill me if I say no?" "Depends.", responds Kioto. "Well then why not. Ok, let's be friends.",  I tell him frightened. "Nice, so where do you live?",asks Kioto. Should I lie to him or not? I mean he could probably kill me in under a second if he finds out that I'm lying so I tell him the truth and answer:" I live in that mansion over there." I point to a mansion on a hill. "Well then I go with you so you won't get hurt or threatened.", says Kioto. The only one who could possibly threaten me right now is you but I still nod and so we go up the hill. "So the person I sold my soul to is Mioro Talion. I have to work for him 10 hours a day  and one day of the week I have to work 20 hours in the mines.", says Kioto.
"Sounds like a lot of work. I sold my soul to a guy named Sedrick Flemington and I have to write plans for the perfect murder.", I tell him. "Wow, this is so cool!!! I could help you with that.", suggests Kioto. "No need. I already have enough people to help me .", I say straight forward. "Oh, ok.", says Kioto when we arrive at the mansion.

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