Spy or not

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Lily's POV:
What's taking Kioto so long! I've been waiting for ages! "Hey, Lily.",greeds Kioto her. "What's taking you so long?",asks Lily. "Today's day was very interesting. I made my normal round when I heard somebody screaming so I rushed to see what's going on and a man was threatening him. He sat in a wheelchair and because of that he couldn't fight for himself so I did and then we became friends his name is Lion.",responds Kioto. "Wait! How did you get from killing the men to becoming friends with the guy in the wheelchair.", I question. "I just asked him.",answers Kioto. "You're weird. You know that.",I add. Lion or whatever probably only said that because he was afraid of Kioto and this stupid idiot didn't even notice. Kioto and I don't have much in common he doesn't think when he speaks and he doesn't know how the other feels or thinks. Well me on the other hand I notice it and people do not like me very much. I relate to the fact that they think I'm crazy which is totally true and I understand that many people don't like being killed but it's just to much fun. Kioto and I have been here since we were six and now nine years later we're both fifteen years old. I've killed many people especially women and I still do but now I don't get chased by the government and it's way easier for me. "KNOCK KNOCK." "Who's that?", I ask Kioto. "I don't know.",says Kioto.

The next day.
Mioros POV:
Today's a very peaceful day. "Master!",screams Kioto. Never mind. "What!", I respond. "Yesterday two people knocked at our room said they were the brothers from a man I killed and wanted revenge. So we killed them but they planned to burn our house down and build a mechanical system to burn our house down so know we don't have a place to stay.", tells me Kioto. "Ok, that's a problem and next time just say the important information.",I respond. "But I did.",says Kioto. "Never mind.",I say to Kioto. This boy really ain't the smartest but he's not here for that. "Follow me! I show you a place where you can stay.", I tell him. We go to an isolated place near Sedricks mansion. On the way we take Lily with us and arrive. I leave and arrive at  my home and try to sit when I suddenly hear someone ringing at my house. So I go to the door and open it. "Hello, Mioro it's been a long time .",says Sedrick one of his old fellows who only visits him when he needs help. "Cut the act and tell me what you want!", I tell him forward. "You see... Mrs. Toriko needs a spy and Lion told me you own a soul named Kio... something so long story short I need your soul to be Mrs. Torikos spy.",announces Sedrick. "His name is Kioto and you can have him after he did his work but if you try any tricks I take him back and you'll never use him again.",I explain. "I understand.", responds Sedrickand leaves. I take my phone out and call Kioto. "Ring,ring,ring" "Oh, hey master did something happen?", asks Kioto. "Yes it did. You're going to work as a spy for Mrs. Toriko after you did your usual work.", I say. "Ok.", says Kioto and hangs up.

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