The way I sold my soul

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Lions POV:
"Well I guess you are right!",I tell them. "Eight years!",says Zoe.,"I haven't seen you in eight years! How are you? When did you get a wheelchair? What happened?" "Well it wasn't always easy.....",before I could talk any more Zoe hugs me. When was the last time someone truly hugged me? I don't remember. "Anyway how did you survive?",she asks. "Well it happened at September 10th when I turned 6 years old.",I begin to tell.

Lions at 6 years old POV:
"Dad,Dad look what Zoe gave me!",I say to him. "Wow! That's a great ball .",says Luke Coen aka Lions Dad. "Can I also play?",asks Fliro. "Of course.",I tell her. "Now you get back to work!",tells Zoe my Dad. "Zoe please it's there birthday.",says Dad. "Yeah it's my birthday!",I tell Zoe. "Mine to!",ads Fliro. "Ok I let you slide this once!",says Zoe. "Yay!",scream Fliro and I. We go to a restaurant and I order a chicken sandwich and a cake as for my sister she orders a pizza margarita and my dad tiramisu. "I love my birthday.",I tell dad. He just smiles at my direction. He always has a hard time saying no to us so this is perfect. Everything is so nice! At the end we go home and I tell him:" That's the best birthd......." "BANG" somebody shot him through his head. "DAD!!!!!",scream Fliro and I as loud as we can. "RUN!",screams dad. We run as fast as we can and..... "BANG!!!!! BANG!!!!! BANG!!!!!" Someone manages to shoot Fliro in her left leg and behind us appears a tall man. "Hello I'm Sedrick Flemington.",he introduces himself.  "Get away from us!!!",I yell at him. "Oh,that's not very nice is it.",says Mr. Flemington and grabs Fliro. "Lets make a deal!",he says with a creepy look on his face. "You don't want your sister to be dead do you!",he says. "No!",I answer. "You should know that a deal between a demon and a human can never be broken at least not by you. ",he says. "So you'll be my servant who's going to make murder plans for me and in return I won't kill you! Deal?", he asks and stretches his hand towards me. I just see him holding Fliro in the other hand so I say:"Deal!!!" "GOOD!!!!",he says and chops of Fliros head. "Y-Y-You said you wouldn't kill her....."I tell him. He looks at me with his creepy look and says calmly:"It was never included in the deal." "YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!",I scream at him. He comes towards me and caresses my hair. "Yes I am!",he says into my ear. "From now on you'll call me dad so no one gets suspicious!",he whispers. "Never!!!!",I yell. "krrrrhkrrr" It feels like I'm suffocating. "Please stop..... stop dad.",I tell him while being disgusted by myself. It stops. "So now you know what happens if you disobey.",says Mr. Flemington. I take a last look at my sister's headless body take her favourite brooch wich she wears right now and go with him. It's a cat brooch . Her second favorite animal after fox but they didn't have a fox so she took this instead. I put the brooch on my favorite sweater.

Zoe's POV:
"Holly crap!!! So Sedrick really isn't your real dad.",says Kioto speechless "That's right.",tells him Lion. "So that's why you always wear that childish brooch.",says Lily. "Shut up!!!",says Lion. They look happy so I go out to get some air. "You were the one who killed my dad weren't you!",says Lion.

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