In the mansion

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Lions POV:
Pew. Nothing happened and I'm home right on time. I was so worried that he'd kill me and now I'm all worked up and tired. "Ah, there you are.",says Sedrick," Mrs. Toriko and I have to discuss something with you."
"Ok, Dad.",I say and follow him to the livingroom. "Hey, kiddo.",says Mrs. Toriko aka Melissa. "Hello, Melissa.", I greed her. "So let's discuss business.",starts Melissa.," I have the feeling that one of my inner assassins (Kourtney Fever) betrays me and I need a spy to check her out but she knows everyone of the assassins and I don't have time to train one. So I need your help." "That's tough", says Sedrick and thinks." "I might know someone that is willing to help and I don't know if we can trust him but he seems nice.", I suggest. "So who's the guy.", asks Melissa. "His name is Kioto and he sold his soul to a guy named Mioro.", I answer. Silence everyone stares at me and Melissa finally
asks:"Are you sure he said Mioro?" "Yes I am.", I respond.,"Why? Is it bad?." "Well it depends on how you met that guy.", says Melissa. "Well, today I was going on a walk and a man began to threaten me and said that I should tell dad to give him money or something will happen to me and then Kioto showed up and killed him with in a second and after that he asked me to be his friend and when I asked if he'd kill me when I said no he said it depends so I said yes and we went to the mansion.",I tell them. "This is weird. I understand that you don't know if you can trust him.",tells Melissa me. "Lion, why does he know where we live?!,asks Sedrick angrily. "I-I was scared. I thought he'd kill me if I lie to him sir.", l answer. Sedrick has a high temperament which gets triggered easily. That's why I have to be careful. The meeting ends and Melissa leaves.

Sedricks POV:
"I hope we can trust him for your sake.", I tell Lion. "Yes, sir.",responds Lion politely. Sedrick calm down. Mrs. Toriko seems amused and Lion helped solving her problems. "I won't punish you for this but be careful Lion!", I add. "Understand sir.",says Lion.
It would be bad if we lose the connection with Mrs. Toriko she's the mafia leader of this country  and because of that we should stay in a good relationship and my support for this is Lion and his talent for murder plans so I shall keep an eye on him. I can't believe that Lion actually found a soul owned by Mioro that's still alive and capable to help us. Mioro doesn't really care what happens to his souls unless they don't do their work. So convincing him shouldn't be so hard. I wonder how that'll work.

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