The test

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Lilys POV:
Looks like the phone call is finished but why is Kioto so happy? "Lily, Lily,Lily!!! I got accepted as a spy!!!",tells me Kioto. "That's interesting I thought you have to be intelligent and tricky to do something like this I suppose it's not true then.",I respond. "You're an asshole you know that. Talking like a rich bastard. You ain't better.",says Kioto. "Since when is a peasant allowed to talk like this.",I nagg him. "Can I come with you?",I ask him because I'm bored and I don't know what to do. "Of course!",answers Kioto.
Melissa's POV:
I wonder how this soul from Mioro is. He seems strange to me. I brought Lion with me because he kinda knows him. I can't teach him everything from the start so I have to test him first. "Ring,ring" Looks like he's here so I open the door. "Hi.",says Kioto. "Hello Kioto.",says Lion.,"This is Melissa Toriko the mafia boss of this country. She needs your assistance as a spy and is going to test you." Lion introduces me pretty good. "Oh I thought I was already required.",says Kioto. Well at least I know he isn't the smartest. "Is it okay that I brought a friend with me.",asks Kioto. "I guess.", I respond. Through the door comes a young girl whith green hair. "So tell me your full names and your age.", I order. "I'm Kioto Tio and I'm 15 years old.",answers Kioto. "I'm Lilith Sio and also 15 years old but you can also call me Lily.", introduces Lily herself. "So Kioto let's start test.", I tell him.

Kiotos POV:
I wonder what the test is about. "For your test you have to attack me.", says Melissa. Great my specialty. Sometimes my Master orders me to kill some of his unloyal souls and it's real fun for me. Melissa is in the middle of this room. That's a bad position. From there you can easily attack people without them noticing. So I begin. My Hand is near the pocket where my knife is so I rush to Melissa and attack. Huh? She evades me. Wait!!! I'm now in the middle sh!t!!! She forms a fist and hits me in my stomach. "Ahhch", I couch blood and I'm against the wall. So I get on my feet and attack again but this time from the left. Now I get her!!! She blocks it?! That's really strange. Oh no she attacks with her fist again but this time I manage to evade. She seems surprised and now kicks me in my stomach. "You learn fast. I like that!", she compliments me and kicks me against the wall. Oh I am furious who does she thinks she is kicking and beating me around!!! "Oh looks like he's fighting serious.",jokes Melissa. She really shouldn't have said that because now I'm pissed and when I'm pissed I can do things I wasn't able to do before. I grab my knife and manage to get behind her and I stab no I don't she evades again and gets behind my back ,smacks my knife away and holds me tight. "You pass!", whispers she in my ear and lets me go. "But I didn't even scratch you ones.",I tell her. "You couldn't even scratch me if we fight all night.", tells me Melissa clearly. "How come?", I ask. "I knew what you were going to do.", answers Melissa.,"In your first attempt to beat me up you attacked me frontal and that meant two things. First you thought it would be easy and that you could beat me. Secondly you had it out for me and knew that I was in a bad fighting position and last but not least you didn't hesitate to attack me again. Your weaknesses on the other hand are that you can't assess your opponent and you don't know when you ain't even standing a chance to kill your opponent." "That's correct I think.",answers Kioto.

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