Lions Secret

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Lily's POV: After that fight yesterday Mr. Kariko got a call from Mr. Oliver who told him that he was irresponsible and that he isn't allowed to let a dangerous criminal fight against Leroy who isn't even a real police yet. But anyway I have to ask Lion about something. "Lion.",I say. "What!",asks Lion. "Fliro is your Sister?",I ask. "That's non none of your business!",tells me Lion furious.
"Hey Lion! I have the tape from yesterdays fight wanna watch?",asks Kioto. "Sure.",answers Lion and they both go into his chamber. "Fliro I have to ask you an important questions.",I start to ask. "Ok",she responds. "What was your relationship with your brother?",I ask. "Oh he is very nice. The best brother.",answers Fliro. "Kioto lets go I have somewhere to be!",says Mr. Kariko strict. "Coming!",responds Kioto. "Ich kann echt nicht glauben das er versucht hat dich zu bedrohen!",says Lion in a foreign language. "Ich auch nicht!",answers Kioto in that same language. "What the hell are you talking about?",asks Mr. Kariko. "Oh we were just talking about the video from yesterday.",answers Lion.,"because while watching we found out that we both can speak German. "Oh really! Well I can speak a little French. Vous sommes merde.",says Mr. Kariko. "Tu es le prof. merde",responds Lion. "Well anyway I have a job to do and you Kioto are coming with me.",orders Mr. Kariko. "Ok.",responds Kioto. "Hey what about us?",I ask. "You devil children come always to third!",says Mr. Kariko. We get in the car and Lion is in our middle. Dad is still out for business but he'll arrive soon.

Lions POV:
"Why do I always have to sit in the middle.",I ask. "Because if we don't wanna be here anymore we can just jump out and you have to stay here.",explains Kioto. "That's so nice of you.,",I tell him sarcastically. "Oh really well good then.",responds Kioto. Sometimes I ask myself if he's really this stupid or if he's just playing. "We're here.",announces Mr. Kariko. That's a high building. No, that's not a building that's the building. Oh sh!t, Oh sh!t , Oh sh!t "We aren't going into that building are we?",I ask hopefully. Mr. Kariko looks at me lifts his left eyebrow and says:"Yes we are." "Why are you so afraid it's not like this building is haunted.",tells me Lily. "Actually it is.",corrects her Mr. Kariko.,"That's why we here." "Sounds like fun.",says Kioto existed. Meanwhile I get depression. Why? Why! That building. At this point I hope no one recognizes me. "Why's this place haunted?",asks Kioto. "Because the owner of this building and his family where killed on this day eight years ago.",he tells the story.,"But there's a rumor that one member of this family is still alive. A member who seeks for revenge on the killer that killed its family." "That's cool.",responds Kioto.

Kiotos POV:
"Welcome to the mind industry.",introduces a lady this building.,"My name is Balia Scotch and I'll be here for your assistance." "But before we start I need to know your names.",tells us Balia. "Lilith Tio.,"says Lily. "Norem Kariko.",says Mr. Kariko. "I'm Kioto Sio and this is Lion Flemington.",I say while pointing towards Lion. "Hey",says Lion. "Alright! So the tour starts now!",announced Balia. "So we are here to discuss the death of Mr. Coen's and his family.",says Mr. Kariko. "Oh well then please follow me and don't mention there death on our way there. Many people are attached to there deaths.",tells us Balia. Now we go into the building. "Hey Lion look how huge this is!" I tell him. "Yeah it is.",says Lion a bit uncomfortable. As we walk we see a woman sitting on the stairs and looking down at her knees. "This is Zoe. She was Mr. Coen's bodyguard and made sure that he actually did his job. She also was very attached to his family because Mr. Coen's always brought them to work. His wife tragically died 2 years before them which is why he did that.",explains Balia. Now we're standing at the door. "Please come in.",says Balia friendly.

Lions POV:
"So the family was always happy even after the death of Mr. Coen's wife. He had two children. Sadly I can't tell you there names due to company trust but they were both 6 when they died. Well the corpse of the boy was never found but many people believe that he's dead.",explains Balia.,"May I know why you want to do this case now?" "Because lately there are many cases like this who are even more mysterious.",answers Mr. Kariko.,"Did he have any rivals?" "No, he and his family were loved by everyone.",tells him Balia. "May I go to the toilet?",I ask. "Of course it's on the left.",says Balia. "Yeah we come with you. We also have to go.",says Lily. "Yep.",says Kioto. So the three of us go out. "So let us explore this building.",announces Kioto. "Wait so you also don't have to go to the toilet?",I ask. "Heck we don't.",answers Kioto.,"This building is huge and I wanna know were everything is." "Me too.",says Lily. "Ok then lets go.",I tell them. First we go to the reception and take a map from the building. "They have an ice cream machine!"says Lily exited. "No way!!!",ads Kioto.,"Lets go there." At the ice cream machine Kioto takes a chocolate ice cream, Lily a strawberry ice cream and I take vanilla ice cream. "This tastes so good!",says Lily. "Best ice cream ever!",says Kioto. "Yeah it's pretty good.",I add. "Hey guys they have a cinema in here!",tells us Lily. "No way!!!",says Kioto.,"Lets go!!!" "No way!!! This place is so cool",says Kioto. "I'm glad that you like it!",a man says to Kioto. "Hello first. My name is Ian and I come here sometimes when I don't want to work",introduces Ian himself. "Ian get your lazy ass back to work!",screams Zoe at him and I can't help but giggle. "What's so funny?",she asks. "Nothing!",I answer. "Oh your that depressed girl!",says Kioto. "So you think you're funny huh!",says Zoe. "Yes I do.",says Kioto. "Well anyway somebody has still work to do.",says Zoe. "Coming!",says Ian. "So Lion where do you want to go?",asks Lily. I point at the main office. "Oh we're making a sneaky move.",says Lily. "I like it.",says Kioto. So we go to the main office. It's guarded by bodyguards. "So what's your plan?",asks Kioto. "Lily you distract and you Kioto strike.",I order. "Fine.",tells me Lily and walks towards the guards and asks :"Hello do you know where the ice cream machine is?" "It's on the......",tries one guard to say as Kioto strikes him and the other guards. "Nice.",I tell them. "Thanks!",says Kioto. "Why are you to waiting? Go in there!", points Lily out. We go in there and it's huge. I open a secret door behind the shelves and we go in. "Wow!!! This is so cool!!! There's a private TV, snacks,drinks and a cozy couch. "Make yourself comfortable.",I tell them.,"I don't think anyone will come here." "Well then..... What do we watch?",asks Kioto excited. "How about "**** me Shakespeer"?",Lily asks. "Ok.",we both answer. As we want to start the movie suddenly someone knockes out Kioto and Lily I notice someone behind me who drags me on the ground and lose my consciousness. We wake up in an other room. It's dark and old. "How did you get in there?",asks Zoe. "I stroke and Lily distracted them."answers Kioto. "No, how did you get in the second room?",asks Zoe again. "We didn't. Lion....did.",says Kioto. "Lion?",asks Zoe while her eyes
widen.,"Lion Coen! You're the one that survived!!!

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