Forgetfulness Lost His Cell Phone

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Forgetfulness: I'm really in a dither.

Marjorie: How do you mean?

Forgetfulness: I can't find my cell phone.

Marjorie: Did you lose it?

Forgetfulness: Yeah.

Marjorie: You're too irresponsible, F. What kind of phone was it?

Forgetfulness: It was a smartphone.

Marjorie: I meant what brand, dummy!

Forgetfulness: I don't know.

Marjorie: Go to the phone store, and see if you can get a new one as a replacement. Doubt they would give it to you for free though.

Forgetfulness: Okay.


Washington St

Middletown, Connecticut

Thief: *steals F's cell phone* It's my phone now!

This story was written on Sunday, February 25th, 2024.

A/N Forgetfulness, you have to be more responsible! Now some thief has your phone! Get a new one! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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