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Even as a child of Aphrodite, I still sometimes feel as though I live with flaws and imperfections. Today was one of those days. This morning I woke up and got dressed for the day, I felt so drained today. My day already was off to a rough start. While the sun rose, I was practicing my archery skills in hopes it would brighten my mood and distract me from my low self-confidence and mediocre self-esteem. It sort of helped, but I couldn't help but wish I looked like one of my sisters. 

Later on in the day, I ran into Annabeth. We walked together to sit by the lake like we normally do everyday. Usually, while we walk against the sand, seashells appear on the land, but I guess since I was so mentally drained and lacking much energy today they couldn't form or wash up.

"What's up Y/N/N, you seem off today?" Annabeth asks later on into your conversation.

"Same old, same old. I'm just not feeling myself today, usually I have all of this confidence, and I genuinely feel good about myself and how I look. Today just isn't one of those days I guess..." I say in a melancholy tone.

Beth puts her hand on my back and rubs circles, in attempt to comfort me while she gives me a frown.

"Your beautiful no matter what Y/n. I promise you that." Annabeth says, giving you a bright smile.

"Thanks, Beth. I needed to hear that." I say, bringing her in for a hug.

 Her words did give me somewhat of comfort, but it didn't patch up the confidence and self esteem I'm lacking. After another hour of just talking and laughing together, I started to feel more myself. Annabeth was my ray of sunshine on a rainy day, and ill always be grateful for her and the happiness she gives me. We both get up and part our ways.

While on my way back to my cabin, I run into the one person I was hoping not to see today, Percy Jackson. He's the pit of all my problems. He thinks he's so much better than everyone else, but in reality he's just a stuck up, self centered brat. I've tried to be so peaceful towards him, but that's came crashing down ever since he's been nothing but a downright bully towards me. At first I let it slide since his mom died, but now that she's back and safe, there's no reason for him to act so wrong towards me. So for months now, we are what some would call, enemies. 

I try to tune him out and ignore him, wanting nothing more than to get to my cabin and sulk in bed all day, but Percy being Percy, he won't let that happen.

"Ignoring me today are we, cupid?" He asks, venom lacing his annoying tone. He knew he was going to push your buttons by calling you that, as if he already wasn't.

"Being annoying today are we, seaweed brain?" I clap back, not wanting to hear it from him today.

Percy walked in front of me, blocking the doorway into my cabin so I can't get in.

"Ouch," he says dramatically, using his free hand and clasping at his heart while making a hurt face. He just earned an unimpressed look from me.

"Can you just leave me alone today, I'm not in the mood today..." I mumble, not wanting to seem like some coward.

"Awe what's the matter cupid? Aphrodite finally break the news you probably aren't her daughter, given your...well, you." He says, laughing at his own hurtful joke.

That was the most rudest thing he's ever said to me, and he's said a lot. This time, his words cut deep. Tears fogged up my vision as I failed to blink them back. One after another, the tears fell from my eyes. All that confidence I finally gained back after a rough start today, came crashing down, and that was after one mean comment from the boy I don't even hate, but man, he sure makes it hard not to. 

As I choked back a sob I managed to get out one full sentence, "Watch what you say to me. Next time, be careful who you're talking to."

I watched his gaze and his facial expression soften, almost look guilty. He went to apologize, but I didn't to sit around and gain his pity. I just pushed his arm out of the way, opened the door, and slammed it in his face. After that the rest was almost a blur. I do remember sitting in bed, crying and sulking. Maybe he was right after all, maybe I'm not meant to be Aphrodite's daughter.

For someone who makes others feel love, I sure can't make myself feel love for myself and who I am.


This was a draft, but live love Lana!!! #mamadelrey

I DIDNT KNOW WHERE THIS WAS GOING BUT AT LEAST PERCY FINALLY GOT A CHAPTER! I will be writing a new Percy chapter after this dw 😈 

Should I make it fluffy, or shall I make it jealous Percy comment your vote 🤬


A 💋

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