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''SONG INSPO : BETTY - Taylor Swift ''



I made a terrible decision, like oh my god, I don't know why I did it. Y/N and I obviously liked each other, but we weren't dating. We both knew we liked one another, neither me nor her had the courage to ask the other out. So I guess we were kind of a... situationship? Well that 'situationship' went up in flames, and I can't help but think it's my fault.


Tonight was prom at school, but instead of asking Y/N to go with me, I went with my friend group. Would I have asked her? Yes. Did she end up choosing to go to prom with her friends before I even got the courage to ask her to the dance? Also yes. I didn't spend too much time getting ready because who cares, its prom. I could honestly care less, however, Y/N was going to be there, so obviously, I had to show somewhat of an effort.


I had been here at the prom venue and let me tell you, the crowd of people was huge. I hated every moment of it. The entire time, I fought off the idea of leaving early since I hate large crowds like this, Y/N knows that. The only reason I was staying, was to see Y/N. For a while, I couldn't find her. To my dismay, as her favorite song we would dance played, she was dancing with some random boy, and it wasn't me. I couldn't bare to witness this any longer, I called Leena to pick me up and snuck out before anyone could stop me.


It was the morning after, and Y/N wasn't too pleased I didn't 'show' up yesterday since I promised to dance with her to our favorite song, but obviously she was dancing with someone else. So instead of answering her, I just blew her off. I ended up distancing myself from her, which was hard since we were neighbors. When we would usually drive to school together everyday, I just ended up walking to and from school. I had nothing to be jealous of since you know we 'weren't dating', but after that one dance. Y/N just got closer and closer to that stupid boy she was dancing with. So, I had a reason to be somewhat upset!


The last day of school had rolled around, and as I was walking home on the broken cobblestone side walk, I ran into Leah. Leah has always had a crush on me, and I knew that, but at the time I only really had eyes for Y/N. Since she moved on, I guess it's time for me to.

"Walker!" Leah said, extremely bubbly.

"Leah, hey!" I replied, I couldn't help but wish it was Y/N I was talking to right now...


That entire summer, I spent it with Leah. Every night however, I dreamt of Y/N not some girl Leah, she's great, but she's not my Y/N.


Y/N'S POV : 

"Are you serious?" I fumed while on the phone with my friend Inez. She's known for her gossip and lying most times when telling anyone anything, but this time it was true. She had proof to go along with it. Every since prom, Walker has been completely blowing me off, and distanced himself from me. At first I didn't know what to think, but now I'm beginning to think he found someone else, that someone being Leah.

My birthday party was coming up soon, for months I had planned it out, with Walker. I hoped at my party the gift he would give me was asking me out, but now I'm glad I didn't hold my breath and get my hopes up since obviously he's all lovey dovey with this Leah girl. 




Right now is the last time I can think about what will happen when Y/N sees my face again. A couple weeks ago, I had called things off with Leah, surprisingly she wasn't upset and took it really well. Right now though, the only thing I wanna do is make it up to Y/N. So what I decided to was make sure I look right, I was going to basically crash Y/N's party. That sounds bad I know, but I want to make things right. I put my shoes on, and practically ran out the door and went next door to the Y/L/N's house. 

Before knocking on the door I took a deep breath, then I started to profusely knock on the door until someone answered. That someone just so happened to be Y/N, she looked so hurt to see me, but somewhat happy? I don't know either it was so confusing.

"Y/N-" She cut me off.

"No Walker, I don't want to hear it. Maybe go back to Leah or whatever her name is..." She said with a hint of sadness in her tone as she went to shut the door, but I stopped her.

"No Y/N, I cut things off with her. I cut things off with her for you. Listen, I know what I did was wrong, I know everything I did was terrible. I saw you at the dance with that stupid boy and I just got so mad and let my jealousy take over and-" She cut me off YET AGAIN, but this time it was with a sweet kiss.

My eyes were wide for a second, but I eased into the kiss. As we pulled away, our cheeks were flushed with shades of pink.

"Do you forgive me then?" I asked, nervous to hear her answer at first.

"Did that kiss not answer your question for you?" She asked while laughing.

"No, maybe you'll have to give me another one..." I said, smiling like an idiot at her.

She just smiled, and pulled me in for another kiss.

I just turned my bad decision into one good one.



Maybe it was kind of random but Betty is my fave song so I knew I had to give this imagine a shot 



A 💋

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