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I was snapped out of my thoughts and focused back on this new skill I was forced to try.

Ive never been someone that has many friends.

Despite being the daughter of Aphrodite and being very charming, charismatic and of course beautiful, i've never been to fond of having many friends or friends at all.

Not that people don't like me or anything, I just enjoy my own company of myself. A little self
love never hurt anyone, right?

Well according to Mr. D I need to start, and I quote, 'stop being some loser and get some friends. Oh here i'll help! Go learn some combat, I get your reputation is being known as the archer but it makes you look boring, basic and weak! Besides, you'll FINALLY make friends, I hope to the gods...'

He did mumble that last part, but I heard every last syllable of his big lecture.

So that's why i'm here, not the archer but the fighter. I won't lie, i'm not fond of the idea of getting in on hand and hand combat but I guess i can make with what little skill I have. The good thing is, my opponent doesn't really have much skill either I think. He just arrived at camp and doesn't even know his godly parent yet. I do hope this helps him get a little bit closer to finding who his parent may be. Just because I don't have any friends doesn't mean i'm a harmless monster.

"I'm ready for combat." I said in a somewhat confident tone.

This lovely young lady was helping me adjust to this skill and was giving me pointers. I didn't quite catch her name, but from her looks, she seems like a very well put together young lady, she seems as if she could also be a daughter of Aphrodite, but I doubt she is since I haven't seen her in the cabin before.

"Okay, so hold this stance, and just do what we've been practicing." The mystery girl says, with a supportive smile painting her face.

I just nodded and waited for my opponent to bring it on. It couldn't be that bad, right?


"Oh my gods, are you alright?! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that! I thought you were like really good! I mean that's what Luke said, so O was ready to like fight some amazing combat warrior and-"

I cut my opponent off after dusting the grass and other debris from my hair.

"It's fine really, it's not yours nor anyone else's fault. Combat isn't really my strong suit." I said with a slight chuckle to easy the tension.

"Oh thank gods. You are one hundred percent sure you're not hurt or anything?" He says, still concerned for my well being.

I just laughed at this boys pure heart, I can tell whoever raised him, raised him right.

"Oh yes I promise." I said with a reassuring smile.

The boy put his hand out to help me up, which I gladly accepted.


He shook my hand,

"Percy Jackson"

"Nice to meet you Percy Jackson, I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N."

I said with a pure smile.

Maybe Mr.D was right,

It does feel good to have friends.






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