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I walked through the halls of school, minding my own business, while hoping others would just mind their own. Today was one of the days I was dreading. Not only was it a Monday, but today was the day that walker was going to be coming back to school after he had been gone for a while due to filming for 'Percy Jackson'.

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but notice people whispering behind your back. I thought they would be done with their gossip by now, guess not.

It's been a long time since the messy breakup between Walker and I, and they won't stop making rumors about us two getting back together. Even though Walker had changed,  we  were never getting back together, like ever. And despite my dislike towards him, I still was proud when he got the role of Percy Jackson, it was a huge opportunity for him.

When I got to my locker, I was greeted by my bestfriend, Betty.

"Hey Betty!" I said to the girl.

"Hey Y/N!" She replied.

Betty was one of your closest friends, the two of us have been best friends since diapers. She knew everything about me, she also knew about the messy breakup between Walker and I. And ever since the breakup, she knew that I didn't want to get back with him. Yet, others in school still tried to start some rumors about the two of us, no matter how many times I denied them.

"Have you seen him yet?" Betty asks curiously.

"Not yet, thank goodness." I say, while opening my locker.

"Maybe he's changed?" She says as she leans up against the lockers near mine.

"You're so right! Since he got famous, he's just magically changed into some humble and considerate boy!" I say sarcastically as I shut my locker, now having what I need for my coming up classes.

Betty just put her hands up in defense, "Hey, don't shoot the messenger, well anyways I'll catch you later, James is going to walk me to my first period!" She squealed as she sped walked over to her boyfriend, James. They really are high-school sweethearts.

I waved her goodbye as I walked to my first period as well. Oddly, as I got closer and closer to my class, the hallways got more and more crowded.

"This is weird..." I mumbled to myself, as I shoved through the crowd of people.

Then I saw someone I was dreading to see. I practically felt the colors drain from my face. I turned on my heels and tried to push through people once I spotted Walker.

"Y/N! Wait!" I heard Walker shout over the loud talk of others.

This only fueled my speed, causing me to attempt to get out of this situation even faster. Obviously he caught up because people in the hallway DONT KNOW HOW TO WALK.

I felt my backpack being tugged, and then that tug turned into a drag. Soon enough, I ended up in a janitors closet! But I wasn't alone, of course not. I was accompanied by none other than the celeb himself- Walker, THEE Walker Scobell!

"Move." I said to the boy that was blocking my exit out the closet.

"Will you just listen- please?" He said, out of breath, while holding onto the doorknob.

"No." I said.

"Yes." He said in reply.

"No." I said once again.





"Yes. Please?" He said desperately.

Hesitantly, I agreed. "Fine. Make it quick."

"I'm sorry." He said, seeming genuine

In reply, I just remained silent.

"Being without you, made me realize how important you really are to me! I don't think we should've broken up, I really don't." Walker said looking in my eyes, practically searching for any sort of answer that may be in them.

"Now you say you want me back? Well i'm sorry but you're just too late." I say laughing out of anger at the end of my sentence.

"You were all I wanted!" I said stepping closer towards him, as hot tears began to spill from my eyes.

"Let me remind you, this," I used my finger to motion the two of us.

"This was what you wanted! You were the one who ended it, not me. I let you in on my life, but it just felt like you locked me out of yours. So think of this as a goodbye, because people like me are gone when you say goodbye..." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

Walker had to no words to say, and I got tired of waiting. Gently, I moved him out of the way so I could leave. He didn't even resist, he just let me go.

I turned the handle, slowly opening the door, taking in what had just happened for a second. Right before I left, I left him with one final thing,

"All you had to do was stay."




sorry for the slow updates on here in general!

I'm hoping to get another chapter for my book out really soon 🤫🤫



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