chapter 2

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"Umm... " I said while blushing.

"What?" Rigby said.

I nodded my head toward my hand that was still being held.

"How long do you plan on Holding my hand like a little kid?" I said smirking

"You look like A little kid." Mordecai snickered

"Oh really?" I said grinning up at him.

Before he could say anything I stuck my foot out and tripped him, causing him to fall with a thud. Me and rigby were trying to contain our laughter as Mordecai got up.

He sighed "wow you look AND act like a child." He said smirking.

Suddenly rigby bursted into laughter. "Oh your gonna fit in just fine here." He said wiping a tear from his eye.

Mordecai smiled evily. "Yeah that was pretty funny and I guess I deserved it." He said walking towards me

Suddenly Mordecai grabbed me and pulled me close. "But you better watch your back cuz I'm gonna get you back, one way or another~" he whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent a chill up my spine and I blushed.

Mordecai pulled away and flashed me an evil grin. I rubbed my arms trying to get rid of the goosebumps that mordo just gave me. Suddenly rigby spoke up.

"Alright Mordecai, that's enough." Rigby said glaring at Mordecai.

"I was just having some fun." Mordecai said shrugging.

"Well fun's over.we have to show (y/n) around remember?" Rigby said sternly

"Yeah whatever." mordo said winking at me. I giggled and rolled my eyes at him.

We walked outside and saw a green chubby guy and a ghost with a hand sticking out of his head.

"Hey guys who's the chick? " said the green guy.

"This is (y/n), she works here now." Rigby said with dullness in his voice.

I waved to them "hello." I said smiling at them.

"Hi." The both said waving at me.
"(Y/n) this is muscle man and high-five ghost." Mordo said with the same dullness as Rigby did.
I nodded slightly and we moved on.

Later on that day I met pops and skips. They Were both very nice and I even got a lollipop from pops!

After a while of showing me around we went back to the house and played video games.

Soon after I started to crave sugar.

"Hey you guys got anything sweet in the kitchen? " I asked

"No but I know a place where we can get some sweets." Rigby said standing up.

"Where?" I said with curiosity.

"Come with me and I'll show you." He said smiling at me. He held his hand out and me being a cheesy dork,took his hand.

"Lead me to the sweets rig-bone!" I said pulling him outside.

"Hey who's leading who here?" He said chuckling.

I giggled. " sorry."

The walk to the mysterious place was nice. Me and Rigby had conversations about our life.

"Soo your mom is human and your dad is a fox?" Rigby asked.

I smiled, "yup! It's good to know that you were paying attention! " I Said poking his nose.

"Hey!" He said rubbing his nose

I giggled "what?"

He sighed smiling "your so weird."

I looked at him "weird is good right?" I said looking at him.

He looked back at me, he smiled and squeezed my hand "definitely."

I felt my heart flutter. "Rigby I-"

"Oh look were here!" Rigby said letting go of my hand

I sighed 'what a moment killer' I thought.

~time skip till after you had your sweets!~

Rigby had taken me to a coffee shop where his friends worked. The sweets were good but they weren't worth the evil stares I got from the redhead and the brunette haired girls that worked there. Me and Rigby left at 8:00 p.m so it was late and it was cold. Me being a dummy forgot to bring a jacket so I was shivering the whole way home.

"You cold?" Rigby asked.

"A little." I said through shivers.

It was silent for 20 seconds until I felt something warm wrap around me. Rigby had given me his jacket.

"What about you?" I asked. Looking at him.

" I'll be fine. You on the other hand look like your about to turn blue." He chuckled

" I'm still a bit cold though. " I said lying

"I can help with that." He said as he put his arms around me.


We made it back home full and tired.

"I should head to bed." I said walking to my bedroom door.

"Me too." Rigby said heading to his room.

"Goodnight." I yawned.

"Goodnight." He said back.

I went in my room and went to bed forgetting I still had rigby's jacket on.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Hey guys did you enjoy that chapter? I hope you did! I have a random question for you guys: what's your favorite color? OK guys I hope to see you guys in the next chapter! Goodbye my little hanas

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