New book! (For realz this time)

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K so do you guys remember when I said I was gonna write all these books after I finish this one? Well I realized how long that was gonna take so I decided to do all of them in one book! Yes it is true!

The book is called: A BIGASS BOOK OF ONESHOTS

I know cool title huh? Anywho I just thought I'd let you know incase you'd wanna read something fun.

I only have one story in there so people can get into it and also because I'm impatient and I wanted to upload it. (The story is a bigby x reader btw)

So yeah I just wanted to let you guys know and I really want suggestions for it cuz I don't want to put something people won't like.

Ok that's all I wanted to say I hope you guys have a lovely day! ^_^


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