chapter 5

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Hey guys I'm back! Sorry for not updating for so long, I'm lazy as fudge! ^_^

"Shh! Don't wait her up!"

"Man she is gonna get pissed when she wakes up!"

"You guys are gonna die when she realizes what you did. You know that right."

I opened my eyes drowsily and looked at the source of the voices. It was Mordecai,Rigby, and red standing over me. Red had her phone on hand while Rigby had a marker. I woke up a quickly when I saw that marker.

"YOU DIDN'T!" I said as I got up and ran for the bathroom.

I barged through the door and looked at the mirror horrified. Rigby had drawn a cat noes and whiskers, also a little speech bubble that said "Kitty Kitty, mew mew! " I stormed downstairs in rage

"who's idea was it!?" I shouted storming into the kitchen.

" Who's idea was what?" Red asked innocently. You gave her a death glare. Red shivered and quickly pointed to Rigby.

"He did!" She said as she scooted away from him.

"Aww what?! I didn't....she.. why did you throw me under the bus?!" Rigby shouted at Red.

I walked over to them and punched them in the arm.

"Oww that hurt!" Rigby whined

"No shit Sherlock." I mumbled as I took a piece of Bacon from both red's and rigby's plates.

"Hey that's mine!" Red yelled

"I'm sure you can survive without having one piece of Bacon." I smirked

Red rolled her eyes "well with that attitude I guess I won't be taking you to the pool." She mumbled picking at her eggs.

"Pool? Like a public pool?"

"Yeah a public pool y/n." She said snatching a strip of Bacon from mordecai's plate.

"You have cash to take us?" I asked skeptically

She shrugged "don't need any. I know a guy who works there who owes me a favor, so we got the pool to ourselves."

I look at Rigby and mordicai

"I'm down."

"Me to"

I shrug "all right what time are we going? "

"At 7:00."

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12 in the afternoon.

~le time skip~

"YO ARE YOU READY YET?!" red shouted from downstairs.

"YA JUST GIVE ME A SECOND!" I shouted back.

I wore a simple (f/c) 2-piece bikini with a white heart in the corner (a/n: if you got a white bikini then the heart is black...or whatever color, its up to you! ^_^)

I put on a oversized shirt on with sandals and went downstairs

I saw red, Rigby, and mordecai waiting at the door.

Red had on a rose like bikini with green vines as straps, Rigby had on brown shorts and mordo had on blue shorts with a black surf board on the side of the pants.

"Finally geez!" Red said rolling her eyes

"I had to put on a shirt I'm sorry!" I said slugging her in the arm.

"Whatever let's go." She mumbled rubbing her arm

~another time skip: /~

We got out of the cart getting all the stuff out. Red and mordo had bought some drinks for us which was mostly beer and mountain dew (code red:3).

We walked to the gate and saw a guy standing there

"You with red?" He asked

We nodded and he let us in

"Thanks sans!~" red called waving at the man

"No prob kid" he called back shutting the gate

"Who is that guy?" I whispered to red.

"Its a long story." Red said putting the stuff on a near by table.

"LETS PARTY!"red shouted as she jumped into the pool.

We all smiled and jumped in with her

~an hour later~

It was already an hour and everyone was already drunk. So being the drunk idiots we are
We decided to play Marco Polo.

Rigby was it.


"POLO" we giggled

We decided to stay in a group.



bad idea

Rigby had cornered us


"P-POLO" We shouted

Rigby lunged at us. Red went left and mordo went right. I had nowhere to go. Rigby caught me.

"He he I got you~" he grinned at me.

I smiled and slashed him in the face "SCATTER!" I shouted swimming away from him

Rigby swam right for me. I giggled and splashed him a couple more times, but it was useless.

He suddenly grabbed me and pushed me against the pool wall

"Rigby what are you-"

"You ran."


"You ran from me when I caught you. Thats cheating."

"Well technically I swam away " I laughed nervously.

"Whatever." Rigby said getting closer to me.

"W-" I was cut off by Rigby kissing me. I was shocked but I kissed back (a/n: EWWWW!!!! XD Lol I'm kidding!)

It started slow but he started getting rough.

We eventually stopped because oxygen is a bitch.

"Rigby..." I panted placing my forhead against his.


"I wanna go" I said kissing his neck. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// oooohhh reader-Chan you dirty girl!~ Lol I'm kidding! I promise there won't be anything gross... warned anyways thanks for reading reader-Chan and if you got that sans reference then you MUST LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS SO I CAN GIVE YOU A VIRTUAL HUG! anyway sorry tis chapter was shit, I just wanted to put a chapter up. Well that's enough talk I think you got more better things to do rather than reading my shit stories... later reader!~

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