A/N Im sorry!!

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Hey guys I want to apologize about not updating the sorry! So as you can see, I am not dead and you are all probably mad at me! I just want to say that I'm sorry and the reason I haven't been updating is because 1.I'm lazy and 2. School is coming up and I've been depressed about that. I know that is not a good reason for not updating but I hope you guys understand why at least. So yeah, I'm not dead and I'm gonna update soon so don't be mad and please stay for more updates on the story! I love you all! And please tell me in the comments if you forgive me so I know I still have my readers! Lol bye me peeps
~red madame ❤❤❤

you and me (rigby x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora