Chapter 6: Date

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Ally POV (this has nothing to do with the title right now)

"Yes Trish I think so. You guys are perfect." I say hugging her.

"Thanks Ally." We talked and laughed.

Austin POV (now this has something to do with the title:))

I dress in great clothes for my date with Fallen. I brush my hair and look great. I was fixing to go when Ally walked in.

"Hey Austin. What's up?" She says.

"I'm going to hang out with my girlfriend Fallen. You should meet her. She's real nice." I say.

"She sounds nice. She's lucky to have you as her man. Like I'm not jealous or anything." She says blushing. I chuckle a little and leave.

I get a text. It's from Fallen.

"Hey um I'm going to be a little late. Is that k?" She asks.

I text her back.

"Ya that's fine." I arrive and wait for five minutes when Fallen shows up. She looks gorgeous. I get up and greet her. She smiled. We sit on the blanket with a umbrella. I sit far from the umbrella. She laughed and got out a basket with lasagna.

"It's homemade. I made it for you." She smiled. I get a plastic bowl of it. I tasted it and it tasted gross. I pretended I liked it. After that I moved closer to her. We watch the sunset on the blanket. I finally looked in her deep blue eyes. I leaned in and kissed her. Suddenly we got deep in the kiss. I hugged her while kissing her. We let go and she smiled and pecked at my lips again. I let go.

"Um Fallen I need to ask you something." I say. She looks worried.

"Of course. What is it?" She says flipping her hair.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She jumps.

"Oh my gosh! Austin yes Ill be your girlfriend." We hugged and kissed again. We soon got up and walked to the edge of the beach with sand close to the water. The wind was blowing her hair. I stand behind her holding her waist. She smiles and looks at me. I wink at her and she laughs and starts running.

"I'll get you missy!" I say chasing her.

"Not if I can help it." She says back. We ran and slammed in the sand and laughed. Maybe she wasn't that bad after all.

Ally POV

I get some blankets and watch Pretty Little Liars when Drake calls me. Finally he calls me! I answer.

"Hey open your door." He says.

"Ookkk..." I say wondering. I get up and open the door. I scream.

"What are you doing here?!" I say wrapping my arms around Drake.

"I just miss seeing you. I'm glad I get to see you again." He says kissing me. I kiss back. We let go but we still were close to each others face. Our noses were touching. We Eskimo kissed. I laughed.

"That feels so weird!" I say.

"Well that's a insult to Eskimos!" He jokes. I laugh letting him inside. We sit watching Pretty Little Liars when I got a question.

"Where are you staying?" I ask because it'll be awkward for my exboyfriend to be with staying with me and my boyfriend.

"At a hotel. I'm glad I'm here to see you." He says rubbing my cheek. I lay my cheek against his hand. We kissed passionately.

"Me too. I love you." I say smiling.

"I love you most." He says. We smile and cuddle watching Pretty Little Liars.

Austin POV

I drove Fallen home. She had a huge home. She let me look inside and meet her parents. They were nice.

She showed me her home. Boy, she had a ten floor home with a elevator, a movie room, a tanning room, game room, yoga room, hot tub, and a pool. It was like my dream house. We go up to her porch. I look at the view. It's so pretty.

"Isn't it breath taking?" She asks staring out in the world.

"Yes it definitely is. I love your home. It's like my dream home. I know this is sudden but I love you." I say. She smiles.

"I love you too." We soon made out on the porch. We walked to her garden. It had roses and sunflowers. It was all hers.

"This is all my garden. I love roses and sunflowers. Actually I love gardening." She smiles honorary.

"I can tell. It's beautiful." We walk to the little lily pad pond. On top of the Lilly Pads were candles with lights. I took a picture of us and posted on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I put as my caption.

"Hanging with the best girl in the world. @fallenrosey." She loved roses so that's her username. We also did a duck face photo. It made us look stupid. Then we laughed.

It was nine before I left. I get home to someone I didn't expect to see. I get in to see Ally with a boy watching television. I walk over there and I see Ally in shock. I could tell she was speechless.

"So... This is your boyfriend right?" I say. She nods yes.

"I'm Austin Moon. No I'm not a dog." I say chuckling.

"Ok I'm Drake." He says shaking my hand. I have a bad feeling about this guy.

"Well I'm glad you two got to meet but Drake is going to the hotel." Ally says quickly.

"I am?" He asks surprised.

"Uh yes remember?! He's so funny!" Ally says.

"Wait I think he needs to hang out a little more." I say.

"Ya Ally Ill stay for a little longer." He says happy.

"Ok." She says.

Ally POV

Oh my gosh. Is this happening? Austin is hanging out with Drake. Oh my. I don't like this idea. I hope this goes good. I text Trish if she and Dez could come over.

"Yea sure we'll be there in a bit." She texts. Oh my, she's spelling right!

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