Chapter 46: Lies

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Ally POV

As soon as I got home, I knew something was wrong. Trish's arms were crossed madly. Dez wasn't talking to both of them. Austin walks around not looking happy.

"I'm home!" I yell. Everyone puts on a fake smile. Something is going on and they need to tell me.

"What's-" I started to ask What's wrong when they interrupted me.

"Nothing." They say at the same time.

I look in the kitchen to find flour everywhere. What's wrong with my kitchen?! I clean it up and look outside. They were arguing about something.

I walk outside and they act all happy. Why is it so important that they can't tell me? They can tell me anything.

I kiss Austin's cheek. It usually made him grin. It didn't. I then hug Trish. She doesn't hug back. Are they mad at me?

Why would they be mad at ME?

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