Chapter 26: Disappointments and Unsurprise

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Ally Pov

A blonde walked in with a clipboard. She smiled and hugged me. I look at her.

"I'm Emma Ross, your new stylist! Plus I am your co-manager now. I'm Austin's co-manager also.", She says turning to Austin, "Your outfits are all ready for the tour! The tour bus will be by tomorrow to leave." She says to him. What?! Tour?! Not telling me?! I feel my cheeks start to burn. Emma leaves and Allyn comes downstairs.

"Your going on tour without telling me? Why? I was going to surprise you that I got a record label but it's ruined now." I say to Austin.

"Ally..... I'll be gone for eight months touring... and I don't have room so..... you can't go." He says. What? I won't see him for eight months!! That would feel like a year!

"What! You didn't tell me! I'm your girlfriend and songwriter and you think I will be here waiting for eight whole months! I was gone for like four or five months and look how much everything changed! A lot will change if you go for that long! Austin, you should've told me this!" I yell to him. He tightens his jaw.

"Well sorry Ally! I want to stay but I have to go-"

"Really? You have to go. Have to. Austin, I am so mad right now!"

"Well yes I don't want to disappoint my fans! They are everything to me!"

"And I'm not?! Austin, I can't do everything by myself!"

"You have Tri-"

"Trish is too busy with Dez! Don't you dare bring my mother into this! I will not have help from my family or friends. Your my boyfriend! Your suppose to be there for me! I have many responsibilities too! Taking care of Allyn, going to record and write songs, there's so much! But you get to go party and flirt with girls all your life! You NEVER have to do anything! I'm always the one doing it and I'm sick of it! Sick of it! Austin, your getting kicked out! But let me guess, you go beg your family to stay and they say yes. It's like.... You don't have to do anything! We are through with this conversation and don't talk to me. Your sleeping in the living room! I'm so done!" I say walking up to the bedroom and shutting the door.

There's just so much that he could do! But you know what?! He's too lazy to be doing 'cuz he thinks he's all perfect! I'm done.

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