Chapter14: Arguing

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Ally POV

I went in my room and shut the door behind me. I can't believe what I just said to Austin. The truth was: I'm not leaving. The rest is also true. But I'm not leaving my apartment. Notice I said MY. I'm not leaving. Over my dead body!

I walk out to see Austin watching tv. Of course, he isn't doing anything to help around the house. That's another thing.

I sit down in a different chair watching tv with him. He looks at me like I hurt his guitar. I try not to say something about it. I sit there for like thirty minutes and he's still watching. What the heck??! I get up.

"Why are you staring at me? Do I have a sign that says stare at me? I don't think so Austin! You fix dinner tonight." I tell him. He stands up and comes in stands in front me. I roll my eyes at him. He does crazy eyes at me. I don't even feel like laughing.

"Stop." I say walking away. He grabs my arm. I swap it away from him.

"Ally why aren't you cooking? I'm sorry for staring at you." He says looking down. Of course, he expects me to do it.

"Because I always cook. Your turn." I say. His face turns red.

"When did you become bossy?" He asks. I went up and pushed him. He pushed back. I got a pillow and threw it at him. He threw it back.

"I'm not bossy! Why are you so demanding all time?!" I say back.

"I'm not demanding!" He yells at me. I laugh. He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Sure your not." I tease him. He comes up and yells at me.

"Why are you being like this Ally?! Your never like this to me!" He says

"Because you wanna know something? I'm always keeping things to myself." I say walking away.

Austin POV

Ally is never like this. At least I thought. She's being bossy and its about to make me explode into a million pieces. She's watching Glee now with her soft blanket.

I make soup with cheesy bread. I told Ally and she didn't impressed.

We sat in silence eating. It's so weird that we aren't talking. It feels horrible not to talk to her. I smile at her. She smirks a little. I decide that we need to talk.

"So... How's the soup?" I ask.

"It's great. It was really easy cooking soup isn't it?" She asks. I nod. She smiles at me. Finally! I wash the dishes and come in the living room to find Ally in her pajamas sitting on the couch snuggling in a blanket. I sit by her.

"So you think that I'm not mad? Well think again Austin." She says going to her room and goes to bed.

I make my bed on the couch and lay down and close my eyes and soon fall asleep.

Ally POV

I come to the living room to find Austin asleep. He looked like a angel sleeping. I turn everything off and come and give Austin a kiss on the cheek. Hopefully he doesn't remember that later.

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