Chapter 1 Medical emergency

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" Aspirus Stevens Point Hospital, November.  15,2016

" The Rooney family sat, in the hospital waiting room frantically looking very nervous and while also scared. Hoping Maddie will be alright ever since got very sick they know that she wasn't acting herself at all lately, it all started when Maddie started to. Getting sick to her stomach that it that lead into being severe which got all them very worried then made her have other symptoms which was including vomiting, muscle cramps, loss of appetite, swelling via feet and ankles, dry, itchy skin, shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, urinating either too much or too little. Which persist into  her refusing to stop both drinking and eating while look very sick Feeling more tired along, having cramping, aching, and swelling very badly in legs and feet. to water retention) and notice she has been having shortness of breath along having a hard,time at sleep at night, being  confused and. Can't concentrate and seems like the looks of it she had been a lot of losing weight and it doesn't look healthy and having bloody stools while, going to bathroom sometimes. It's a less urinate or it's a lot and complains while cry in pain till the point it got worse.Feeling like she going to collapse and was very dizzy while before about she was going Is going to lose her balance in the kitchen, as Mr Ronney was walking into the kitchen he noticed Maddie was about fall and her and as he caught. Her just in time in his arms and notice something that is wrong so he screamed something is wrong, with Maddie which got everyone. Attention in the whole house which quickly got them running to the kitchen as they got there Liv was the first, one to notice that something. Was off with Maddie because she never acted like this and noticed  it's been happening for a few weeks now because they, notice there was a change in her behavior. And wasn't acting her normal self at all and was being very moody and Irritable along being tired and weak and constantly complaining, that she is in pain while being . Sick so as the older twin sister saw her dad holding her sister in his arms the rest of the family quickly ran, into the kitchen at point just in time till point Maddie couldn't hang on for much longer and passed out, and went unconscious. So they they quickly called 911 and know this was an emergency. So as they explained the situation to the dispatcher they were told to stay on the line while they explained everything, so they can have  as much information.While being transferred to the hospital after getting off the phone it didn't take long because the ambulance quickly, pulled up to there. House as the paramedics quickly ran into through the door, they went straight into the kitchen. And spotted Pete siting on the floor holding his unconscious daughter gently while being careful not hurt her more so while the one of the paramedics slowly, lifted the young girl from the man's arms. And waited for the other paramedic come in with the stretcher who raced quickly pushed it near them that the first paramedic, quickly placed Maddie on. The stretcher and took her away as they reached towards  the front of the house quickly it happened to, fast that it all was, a blur as they stood there in shock. Liv looks like she is going to cry while still processing what just happened, it's her and her . Sister they are close and is very scared something bad, is going happen to her little sister. The rest of family was also still processing what was going on at the moment and all decided to get in car and get, to hospital immediately cause it's emergency situation. And Maddie's life is on the line so as they got in the car quickly drove a short distance, to the hospital ever since then they've been there three hours later.

" What is going on it's already, been over three  hours and we still, heard any news from the doctor Liv said. While looking nervous and worried along being scared and upset because she afraid that she might, end up losing her best friend.

" Liv we don't know, the answer to what's wrong with your. Sister the doctors are working on her at the moment so they, will tell us when to know just try and be patient. Pete said as he was was responding to his oldest, daughter.

" Fine but it hard that, we have to wait Liv said I hope she is ok. That the suspense is literally getting to me.

" I know that it is hard, for you  sweetie but we will know soon Karen as she heard her daughter sigh in frustration while, being overwhelmed and mixed emotions. Her brother just sat there quietly while in shock, and still processing what happened.

" As ten minutes went by, the door of the waiting room. Pushed open a mid age doctor in forties slowly walked into, the hospital waiting room and look on his. Face looked both worried and concerned which made he family more on edge

" Mr and Mrs Ronney I the male doctor called out. As he figured they are the only adults in the room at the moment, and they are in care of their daughter.

" Yes Doctor said Pete as he, spoke up. While nervous. Because that is his beloved daughter and baby girl, and was scared hoping that she is alright.

"What is wrong with, Maddie doctor because it's making all. My kids anxious and worried especially my oldest daughter, Liv is she ok while Karen said getting nervously, while being scared for her daughter.

" Well I believe we should all, go to my office privately. Because this is going be complicated to discuss about it here and it might be easier for you all to understand and process, said the doctor

" Ok thank you, Doctor said Joey"

" Kid you can call me, Doctor James Richard's. As he spoke with kindness and compassion. So they walked out of waiting room they started to walk to the man's office and, took there conversation privately.

" As forty five minutes, went by there conversation. Ended and hearing Maddie being diagnosed with renal failure they found out both her kidneys stopped, functioning and are no longer working. And is critically ill and unstable and currently is icu receiving  CRRT is a much slower type of dialysis and gently than regular HD, as it pulls fluid or cleans the blood continuously, 24 hours a day, rather than over a 2-4 hr treatment. Some facilities only use this treatment option in ICU patients with renal failure, even if they are hemodynamically stable. they tested the family, for a proper kidney donor transplant. But none of them where a match,  so she will have be on waiting list. For a donor to have proper match after her family hearing, all that are still processing. While completely devastated that Maddie is very sick and was told she had stay a week or more in hospital, receiving treatment. That when starts to  improving while recovery's right now she, has a whys to go poor thing. I can't even imagine what she looks like in the ICU probably, so tiny in a big hospital bed attached to many machines. I wouldn't blame the family on being extremely worried.

" Can we go and, see her Liv said as she spoke up.Which made the doctor shake his head and relived sigh. Of concern

" Well I don't think, that's a good idea I don't advise. Anyone visiting her right now because being very ill plus no outside grams can be passed to her because Maddie will end up dying so sorry you can't go into the ICU at the moment I'll let, you know if her status improves. As the doctor said firmly to them so I would go home and, we will give to a call

" Ok thank you Doctor said Liv as she looked very disappointed. That she can't go and see her sister and end up crossing her, arms right there.

" Liv I know it's disappointing, but your sister needs to get better. They will let us know when we can see her. Let's go home and with that they left the hospital.

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