Chapter 9 Treatment part 1

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" So after the next ten to fifteen, minutes out of the one on one. Session with the doctor she decided that she wanted to test Maddie to she how well she is doing in there short session the female doctor believes that the young girl had a little struggle walking while keeping her, balance in line which is part of kidney failure. Again being in bedridden for four days  being very sick and not able to move or walk is very hard so her other, doctor Lisa Gilbert's recommends that Maddie should start physical therapy while they where, both talking and the teenage girl. Agreed so the female doctor went on ahead and scheduled appointments at outpatient location out of Aspirus, Stevens Point Hospital this Thursday afternoon . The day after dialysis because she wants, to relax and take it easy so she scheduled her appointment at five Pm so you can build back up. Strength not just in your legs but also your body as well and help you heal more. Like I said loss of your muscles, is apart of chronic kidney disease. It' takes time but you will get better well along work that I don't, want to make this conversation . To long so I believe it time for you to go home young lady, this must be exciting even though it for a short period of time said the doctor.

" Yes even though, you said it only got short till I am excited. To go back home I miss my family and I can't to spend time with them before I head back out on the road this evening, and travel for a short time because, I have go to DaVita kidney care. To receive nocturnal dialysis which is overnight and is six to eight hours that seem like a long time but I will, find things to do I might do my homework so I get all caught up and probably eat dinner and watch a movie or even read the book, so pass the  time in sleep, I have to be careful what. I eat because right now having kidney failure is hard so I have to eat healthy but safe food I can eat, because I'm in a restricted diet that is until. I've got a kidney transplant. The teenage girl was done talking.

" well, ok then, let's get you ready to go home said . The female doctor as she was starting unattached, Maddie from all the machines tubes and wires. While in the meantime, having her parents sign the discharge papers. While getting the progress started so you are able to leave the hospital also your doctor wants to do quick examination, to she how long in progress. And to see how far you become he said that the damage by telling from cat scan both of you're kidney's where significant that  leading to aloe toxins that it causes, your kidney to compensate while. In time they got to over worked which lead both end shutting down which caused you to go into renal failure which caused your body to shut down, and lead into distress so as as you rushed into, hospital we all had act fast to save You one of the doctors said i didn't look well, as we working on you we decide to continue to do it that got to the point, we sent straight to emergency room. It took awhile because you almost died twice, which got us very concerned once it got. You under control but still where in critical condition we sent to get cat scanned and along being MRI to, to determine if you have renal. Faliure sure enough after a one hour went by we whew right, so that we decided before to put on dialysis. Because of life or death situation we test all your family to see if they are a proper kidney donor, it took ten to fifteen minutes to test in all. One by one but no luck there not a match so the last resort we had to put you on dialysis without it your would, of not have a chance to life and. Will end up dying instantly said the female doctor. As she was talking to her patient while in the meantime having the set of parents sigh the discharge forms, so they are able to take your daughter. Home from the hospital which didn't take the long at all because they both filled it out quickly and sigh there, signatures at the end of the paperwork, Work once that was filled out and done they handed it back to, the doctor while Maddie doctor was. Quickly doing a examination again just make sure things are going well along with giving a small iv infusion electrolyte, and fluids.just to balance it out so it not to much while being a newly diagnosed kidney, patient. Which shouldn't take that long it only ten to fifteen minutes. As the doctor explained to the teenager and she understands now all she can do is is prepare for, her first dialysis visit because it's going to. Be a very long night

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