Chapter 11 Treatment part 3

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" As the Ronney family, where pulling up the driveway. Of there house there car slowly pulled eventually reaching towards the back of the house   there father quickly, parked the car while making sure brakes are on. While was making sure the car doesn't end up rolling way while nobody is in it so once that was, done he got on of the diver side. He walked to the left side of vehicle as he reached the the handle of the left passenger side he quickly pulled up the, handle and swung the car cat. Back as his youngest twin daughter in mean time up buckling her seat belt he started to reach in slowly and continued, to proceed to get Maddie carefully. Out of the car so he can assist while trying get her into the house so as the mid age man successfully got the teenager girl out he proceeded to carry her while holding her tight in his. Arms

" Dad I can walk into, house by myself I'm a big girl. As the teenager girl was spoke up while talking to the man.

" Maddie remembers what, the doctors said they. Don't want you walking. Yet because since the kidney failure causes balance issues they just don't want to see fall, along getting hurt so that way you are scheduled a physical therapy. Appointment this week so you too strengthen up your muscles again and also remember you just got out of the hospital it's been four, days since you woken up you were very sick and bed ridden. And along fighting for you life, I know that sounds frustrating. but you gotta listen to your doctor orders. Pete said while he was talking to his daughter.

" Ok dad fine you right, I will listen.while fallowing my doctor's orders as the young girl said without arguing. With her father so she allowed him to continue to carry, her into the house. So as he slowly went through there backyard he walked to, the back door along telling the rest the family. To wait till they in the house which made them understand so as he continued open the back door, they walked along through the kitchen. And while lead as they both quietly walked through they quickly got into the living room her father didn't want to go upstairs so so went over to the coach, and placed her gently it already had. A pillow and blanket so as the mid age man lied the girl down her head softly hit the pillow as she got herself in comfortable position her father placed the pillow, on top of her because she was woken up early at the hospital since 6:30 AM this. Because she had to do test all way from then till mid morning which, made her exhausted.  Along with. A few appointments and blood work to see if the dialysis treatments are working from the looks from the results the, doctors said they doing pretty well. Along with her body react to the treatments good but had side effects the first time they put her on, dialysis so they had work hard. To reverse it took a while because her body wasn't used to it the first time, so she fought hard. So anyways as the girl slowly drifted off to sleep  the man walked away, while watched his little girl slept.For a seconds knowing  is fighting kidney disease know that her life is tough right now and will have to fight till, she ready to have transplant. That her family will fight hard to support, her so as they went along and did there. Thing they let her rest

   "As six a hours went, by Maddie was packing. A overnight bag with stuff she needs that is only necessary. Like a change of clothes underwear bra socks pajamas tooth brush and toothpaste along with toiletries, a pillow and blanket since sleeping overnight and they said she will be on dialysis for 8 hours and alone stuff that will keep her busy and bringing books and, missing homework assignment she had to catch up on.Because she was hospitalized. Her mom bought her a renal friendly dinner because her doctor said she on a tight restrictions for while, till she able to have a surgery. While able to be top of the transplant list

" How are you feeling, Maddie as her identical twin sister. Asked while carefully help walk to the car while being a little bummed that her best friend had to leave aghin, because and feels like she just got. Home after being away for four days.

" I'm feeling ok still, recovering from being sick for. A bit. I don't have much energy and still a little weak try to go easy, on me guys my brain is still. In a fog and believe the doctors said that it's part of having kidney brain, so if I get confused or upset please. Be patient with me she said as she was talking to her big sister. Know she cares about her. And along protecting

"Hey you know I'm there, for you no matter what. We always be sister's by chance friends by choice. That I love you so much that I don't want anything bad happening, to you but I know you're a fighter. And will get through that I have faith in you. Sissy

" Thank you Liv, you are the best. And I love you too.And I appreciate you are there for me sis

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