Chapter 5 Recovery starts

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"As the next half hour, went by Maddie was slowly. Open starting to open her eyes after days of being asleep for past four days now since she been in a coma which was decided by, the doctors because they believe. I was best not just for her safety and health not also for to heal and recover at her pace they said it take three to four days so they believe it's it is the right time. So as they stand there at a distance while you keep and eye and observation and while, also not wanting to scare. The poor girl so they started to work on either adjusting while tending to her or doing paperwork as they keep, themselves busy as time went on. Maddie was beginning to wake up more and was also able to adjust more and has improved since the last, hour that meaning she. Continuing to recover while start to heal slowly from the second rounds of dialysis treatments that it was beginning to improve, her health little by little. But still has a ways to go because is still in the waiting list for a kidney transplant so she still has to continue because she will die without dialysis because as of right, now it's Maddie lifeline. So as the girl finally woke up her eyes where filled with panic and, nervousness because she doesn't know. Where she is at the moment and got scared I don't blame her you would be if not used to a place your not, familiar too.As she reached down the teenage, girl noticed there was something. Sticking to her arm realized that there was an IV attached to our arm, after figuring out, she was attached to so, many wires she was wondering where she was.At first it took only a few minutes because, it was all just a blurry image

The last, thing she remembered, I was at home the time and got really dizzy. I  started to black that started to lose my balance and next you know i fell down on the kitchen floor loudly that it created a loud bang from the next room then my eyes went blurry begin to close that I can fell my heart stop and next thing you know I couldn't breathe and couldn't fell any air coming out of my lungs that I completely went unconscious thar suddenly I was found which caused panic coming, from my family and her dad. Pick her up in his arms, and hearing him saying. I'm calling 911 after, it was made the paramedics. Arrived quickly at there house and rushed in fast into the, front door and raced to the kitchen. And saw my father holding me and one of them. Took me from him and quickly took me away. That happens so fast that I didn't know what happened. Next my memory is pretty hazy

" Where am I am I said the, young girl asked.

" Um well hello it's nice to see that you are finally are finally awake you are in the hospital, as of right now you are currently in the intensive care unit. Do you remember what happened as while male doctor was talking and continuing. Along with the conversation

" It suddenly came, flooding back to the young girl, that she told him what she remembered. And explained everything not missing a single detail after the five minute, conversation and ounce was down explaining he believed her. And jump right in he continued with and told her what is going on.In private which took a bit while took a bit since it's a complicated topic because it's not easy explain to a teen that they are, newly diagnosed with chronic. Kidney disease and along having stage four renal failure that the only chance of survival for this girls right now is to continue being on dialysis. While receiving treatment in order to survive or otherwise she will die and there no other option is going to send, mix of emotions because after hearing that both your kidneys have now failed it's going to be hard to process and to be emotional for this young lady. Exactly thirty five minutes? went by the doctor finished which made Maddie completely both shocked that i took a few minutes, process after the. Devastating news she just, heard from the doctor. And sat there after processing that her life is on the line so, has others no choice to make right now. It was quite but that didn't last long as Maddie began to speak, up while being faced in front of the. Doctor

" When can i be discharged, I wanna know when I'm able to leave the, hospital so I go home the young Girl's asked as the doctor was about to speak  and is waiting so he can able to, answer her question. But as the doctor was about answer her he got interrupted by one of Maddie's nurses I guess it will have to, wait for a bit which made the her. Disappointed that she not able to get answer right away. But got interrupted by her nurse

" Doctor just to let you know , Maddie's family is here. And where told that they can come and visit her now since is now, stable and along making progress. Said the female nurse as she was starting a conversation with the doctor

" Yes I went on ahead , and decided to give her parents. And told them. She is now allowed to have visitors now. And is starting to improve more. Said the male doctor

" Ok so do want me, to send them in said the female nurse.

" Yes please said, the male doctor oh and, Megan.Thank you for clarifying with me first

" You're welcome the, female nurse said. As she was talking to Maddie kidney doctor. As they were having a conversation, while standing in the small. Private hospital room in the icu unit

" Maddie do you visitors right now. As the nurse asked. The patient making sure if she is not still tired because she hasn't been wake for to long yet or is in a good or bad mood, to see her family.

" Um sure I'm up, to visitor at the moment I'm in a good mood but. Just a bit tired but I should be alright I'll tell you when I had enough said the teenage girl

" Ok that's fine but, just to let you know when they came. in I want to inform you there only allowed to visit for for 10 minutes they can came but in twos at a time, we don't want to two many people. visit at once so basically what I'm saying they have to be short amount of time I know that not long but we want to, fallow the rules and protocols of. The hospital said the female nurse

" No problem I'm, flexible to that said Maddie as she was talking to the nurse and very happy and trilled because she is now able she her, family after days of being away. From them and not able have visitors because was very, sick when she was admitted to the. Hospital but is still not out woods yet

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