Chapter 7 Exciting news to share

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"So once the whole, family was down visiting and talking to Maddie.The doctor wanted to share good news that he wanted all in the room together they all thought,the doctor said they can't to many. People in small hospital room  since it's there rule while trying to limit how many visitors can come, in but the doctor said had that he decided to make. A exception just this once since it's very important so as the male doctor brought, back in both of the parents into the. Room

"Hi everyone since I all, have you all in the room. Together. In are around Maddie at the moment I got good news and bad news to tell you which would you like to hear, first said the male doctor as. He was speaking to the Rooney family while having a conversation. With them

" We want to hear the, good news first the family said all said. At once . All excited what the doctor is going to tell them, at this very moment while responding back to the, male doctor.

" Well the good news is, that Maddie is doing g very well. And is starting to heal and recover from being sick for the past four days and is continuing to make progress, but still has a way's to go said the male. Doctor while briefly pausing for a moment, I took a minute to collect his  thought but after. Five minutes went as he began on speaking again and will be able to be discharged from the hospital, today and will be able to go home he said. But do want to hear happens next  the doctor spoke as he was talking to the family

" Yes please said Karen, we would like to know I just want make sure our daughter is going to be ok as the middle age woman said.

" Sane here me to said, the middle aged man. As he agreed with his wife

"Doctor please both me and my, brothers want to to know. The bad news as we just miss our sister and praying that she is going to make it through this as the teenage, girl spoke up for both Joey and Parker. Who say there quietly but waiting for their turn to speak.

" Ok since you, really want, hear the bad news that. I'm about to tell Maddie won't be receiving dialysis here at the, hospital sadly said the doctor.

" What why doctor,  Doctor James Richard said Parker and Joey both, at the same time and I thought you said the last we spoke Maddie has the to stay in to stay, in the hospital for about a week it's. Only been four days as the two boys said while they, answered the male doctor while they were having a conversation.

" Well In the beginning, I did say that she needs to. Stay a week in the hospital but she is starting to improve and had come along way since she was first admitted. Here we do want her stay one more night for observation just make sure there no setbacks or delays in, recovery and needs to recuperate. From be very sick and just want to monitor Maddie if she doesn't developing more symptoms but the good news, we are tranfering the reguler hospital. Ward she will still have a private hospital room ok going back to answering your question, I think it's best for Maddie to go to a dialysis clinic. The closest one is in town and it's called DaVita kidney care it is located on 1100 Meridian Dr Plover, WI 54467-2385 i recommend. And rather while prefer her treatment option should be nocturnal, dialysis
DaVita Kidney Care, and as he went on explaining about it.

Treatment Options
In-Center Nocturnal Dialysis: Get Your Treatment and Your Zzzs
In-Center Nocturnal Dialysis: Get Your Treatment and Your Zzzs

How can you turn nonproductive sleep time into hemodialysis treatment time? The answer is in-center nocturnal hemodialysis. While you get some shut-eye, you can receive a slower, gentler treatment overnight at a DaVita® dialysis center. Compared to traditional in-center hemodialysis sessions of three to four hours, in-center nocturnal dialysis provides six to eight hours of treatment.

The lifestyle benefits of nocturnal dialysis don't stop at dialyzing while you sleep:

Enjoy free days to spend with family and friends, go to work, attend class and resume other normal daytime activities.
Many people appreciate this is a very discreet form of treatment because it's done overnight.
The feeling of waking up in the morning and knowing dialysis treatment is complete appeals to many people.
Clinical benefits include:

Improved appetite and taste
More energy
Better blood pressure control
Reduction in prescribed medicines
Fewer reports of cramping during treatment
Similar to in-center dialysis, in-center nocturnal hemodialysis treatments are done with a full kidney care team, including a nurse, patient care technician (PCT), dietitian and social worker, at a dialysis center. A nephrologist also comes in to do regular rounds with patients.

Who can do in-center nocturnal hemodialysis?

People on hemodialysis who are considering the DaVita® In-Center Nocturnal Dialysis Program should be in stable condition and follow the advice of their doctor and other healthcare professionals. Reliable transportation is necessary. In-center nocturnal hemodialysis patients should also be courteous to the other patients sleeping around them.

Why choose the DaVita In-Center Nocturnal Dialysis Program?

People who have been on the program said they have enhanced their health and lifestyle by taking advantage of a longer, gentler hemodialysis treatment.

"I have more energy—I even painted my kitchen today," says Jonathan, a DaVita® in-center nocturnal hemodialysis patient. "And, I have an appetite for the first time in a long time."

Paola, another patient, is able to go to her daytime job without any interruptions.

"Nocturnal allows me to work full time," says Paola. "The fact that I didn't have symptoms like I did with daytime hemodialysis was a major change, too. I feel great."

" After forty minutes went, by and while hearing the. Whole conversation from the doctor the family all agreed, that receiving, dialysis in a clinic is the best. Option for Maddie, so all made it anonymous and they went. With it including Maddie because in other wise she, will die without it soso there basically, other no choice at this point. So not being on dialysis is not a choice so the doctor will decide when Maddie be transferred over to Davitia dialysis center to officially start treatment's overnight because that what he wants and those, are his orders so the young. Girl has to fallow them

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