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"come" a male voice called, as the two walked in to see, a very human looking individual

"are you the master of this dungeon" she asked

"i am shinji ikari, the master of avorion, yes" i said not looking up from my report

"where is everyone besides that robot i have seen no one" the brown haired girl

"introduce yourself before, asking questions, that is just common manners" i said

"i didn't have to introduce myself" weiss said

"but you did, you introduced yourself to the warden which i was mostly controlling" i said

"i am kiriko hattori, trainer and serving handmaid to lady weiss schnee, and what do you mean mostly" kiriko asked

"the warden is a highly advanced AI, created by the main AI of this facility, as such while i controlled that particular body of the warden, it was not i that was speaking, i did direct him to say what i wished but it was he that picked out what exactly would be said, the warden has been my mentor and servant for many years" i said

"how long have you been here" weiss asked

"it will be a hundred and ten years tomorrow" i replied

"that's not possible, unless your a machine as well" kiriko said

"i am not a machine, but i am no longer human either, i was when my fourteen year old self arrived here" i said

"why do you help the dragons" weiss asked

"this fortress is unlike any other of the so-called dungeons, it does not simply exist to be a vault to be ransacked by the future generations, this fortress was build to be an oasis for those in most need, when i arrived SERAPH helped me and chose me to be the master of this place, when i officially did take over control, i hose to continue aiding any who showed up on my doorstep that needed help, anyway, i was not going to allow fools to simply take what they wish from my home" i said

"why are you unknown, dungeon conquerors are some of the most renown in the galaxy and yet, no one knows who you are" weiss said

"yes, i have long ago learned that humanity is simply not worth my time, i do not wish to babysit people who will not care for themselves, this war for example, how many are simply claiming neutrality, and watching from the sidelines, if it were me, i would have picked up arms simply to put both sides back in their place, i specifically have been used and the when my usefulness expired, i became the perfect scapegoat and abandoned, and locked away, i arrived here by sheer luck, i will continue to help those who arrive at castle avorion, but i shall not leave" i said

"why" kiriko asked

"because there is one piece of the populace that does not have a choice, and if i see them suffer, i will kill all who has caused them pain" i said

"what piece is that" weiss asked

"the children, they do not have a choice, nor do they know any better, the universe can be a cruel place, but it does not have to be, and what is being taught to them is the highest of insults, especially to someone like me, what really boils my blood, is how many children are forced into the conflict, it is fortunate, that the supposed queen does not conscript children, like the rebels do" i said

"why, what would happen if she did" kiriko asked

"then i would mobilize, and i would kill them all, i would then choose those i felt worthy to rebuild, before returning here to my fortress where i would once again enter my solitude, and be at peace, a peace you are disturbing, the only reason why you are still here is because i detest the situation you are in, that being said, you will be relegated while you are here, schnee, i will assign you a suite, it will have all you need, you will not leave the suite, except for the times i allow you to leave avorion, you will not have run of my castle" i said

"your warden said you wanted to claim me" weiss said

"i was testing you, i wanted to see if you were trying to trick your way into my castle" i said

"i see....... thank you for your hospitality" she said

"there is a small drone waiting outside, should you deviate, i will have consider you a threat and have you eliminated" i said

"understood" she said

"get out" i said

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