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the suite that was given to weiss was a large two bedroom apartment like place, the bedrooms were relatively large, the kitchen was a good size, and they had a sitting room, that allowed them to look out into the stretches of space

master ikari, as weiss began to see him, allowed them to leave the station relatively frequently, specifically once a month, they were not allowed to bring anyone back with them upon their return, but weiss could deal with that, she was safe here, or so she thought

"master a moderately large fleet has just appeared to the starboard side of the castle, the fleet is led by the queen herself, it seems word has got out that we are housing Miss. schnee, and they seem to think we are holding her hostage" SERAPH said

"inform the queen, she is not a hostage, she is here because she has asked for the protection of this castle" i said

"all comms are being jammed master" SERAPH said

"inform the schnee, and her friend they will be helping me defend this castle if they want my continued protection, activate all defenses and prepare tsukihime" i said

"affirmative master" SERAPH said

the ensuing battle was long and hard, shinji's goal was not force them out, but to make sure they never got anywhere, he bottlenecked them in the various hangers and docking ports, shinji knew that eventually the queen would have no choice but to order a retreat as her forces are slowly whittled down, while shinji's forces continue to remain strong with every promethean that fell was almost instantly replaced with a new one SERAPH was quite efficient like that

shinji was pleased however to note that hattori and schnee was pulling their weight, of course they also had the most concentrated number of prometheans because he was still protecting them, the main reason he wanted them fighting to begin with was to prove that this invasion meant literally nothing, as they weren't rescuing anyone, this was large scale kidnapping

he would be entering the fray soon enough, as the queen and schnee's elder sister had recently entered the fight

winter's eyes widened as she clashed with a blade she recognized

"weiss, what are you doing, were here to rescue you, father said you had been kidnapped" winter said shocked

"and you believed him, sister there is a reason you left the family, i came here hoping for protection, and short of what is happening right now i believed i'd receive it, master ikari is none to pleased his home is being invaded because father is a greedy bastard" weiss said coldly, she had been granted the use of the training hall and had been training religiously, simply so she could match her sister in the worst of cases

kiriko was taking on the queen, both of them hoping that the master of the castle would make an appearance soon

"you call him master" winter asked

"he is the ruler of this castle, a dungeon master, what else do i call him, or do you think i am so familiar with him that i may refer to him like he is my best friend" weiss scoffed, winter blushed slightly embarrassed by that notion

"master ikari, has allowed me to keep at least a semblance of my freedom, while under his protection, which is more then what i could say for what my father was planning, he was going to sell me to that bastard diodora" weiss said, winter's eyes widened she turned to see her queen was being matched by kiriko, her queen was stronger but kiriko was significantly faster, there was a reason that winter had personally chosen her to be the trainer for weiss

"why do you fight against your queen" the queen asked

"my first loyalty is to my lady weiss schnee, and by extension, the ruler of this castle master ikari, you are here to take away my ladies freedom that is not something i will allow" kiriko said

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