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both the yamada fleet and the royal fleet made their new base in the avorion system easily boosting the number of ships there including the avorion dreadnoughts that had been launched, it took roughly six months before misato katsuragi's ship arrived, to say misato was shocked to see the colossal number of ships would be an understatement

"ma'am unit-01s signature is at the center of that fleet" midori kitakami

"shit" misato said

"we're being hailed" sakura suzuhara said

"put it through" misato said

"this is queen artoria pendragon, of the kingdom of avalon of the pegasus galaxy, you are in a restricted airspace, leave immediately or you will be considered hostile and fired upon" artoria spoke

"this is colonel misato katsuragi, commander of the AAA wunder, we are simply here to collect our lost pilot and unit" misato said

"we are well aware why you are here colonel, i speak for shinji ikari, you are not welcome, turn and leave immediately" the queen said

"powerup unit-02" misato said, ritsuko nodded as she imputed the command which activated the evangelion

"take us in" misato said

"ma'am the fleet is firing upon us" midori said, as they felt a shake throughout the ship but as expected the AT-field held, as the wunder went through the fleet of ships until they came face to face with the avorion dreadnoughts

"ma'am those ships are armed with positron cannons, they are built to take us on, and they will win" midori said

"shit" misato said

"those ships look different from the other ships, they maybe shinji's personal defense, especially considering they are using positron cannons maybe we can get him to stand down, and return with us" ritsuko said

"worth a try, sakura open a channel" misato said, sakura did so

"shinji, this is misato, please respond" misato said, she waited before looking to sakura who shook her head, no answer was  given

"please shinji we need you" misato said, this got his attention

"weren't you blaming me for fourth impact" i asked

"help us and we can bury the hatchet" ritsuko said

"fuck you, akagi, i am well aware you likely intend to kill me once the job was done, i am well aware you see me as the same monster my father is, you all do, i could understand most of you, but even asuka and misato are convinced of this, and they knew me, you lot can return to your hell" i said

"master, multiple contacts have entered the system, this unit believes these to be gendo ikari's forces, here to collect unit-01" SERAPH said

"and you brought him to my doorstep, thanks katsuragi, as usual your arrival makes my life worse" i said closing the channel

"launch all dreadnoughts have all but two attack the enemy units, the remaining two ships are to watch katsuragi" i said

"affirmative" SERAPH said

"get me the idiotic queen" i said, a moment later her face appeared

"back off, inform yamada to do the same i do not want your people dying senselessly, your ships will do no damage to the enemy units, leave this to my fleet that are built to take on these bastards" i said

"is there anything we can do to help" the queen asked, i paused

"prepare a landing party of your most loyal dragon riders, i might have need of them" i said

"consider it done, i will coordinate with lady yamada, to create a suitable force" the queen said, i nodded, and the channel cut

"prepare the command dreadnought for tsukihime and myself" i said

"affirmative master" SERAPH said, i noticed i was being hailed again by katsuragi, i answered it

"what is it katsuragi i'm busy" i said

"are you the one leading these ships" misato asked

"the ones engaging my father are mine, the ones backing off technically aren't, though they are here in a misguided attempt to help me" i said

"can we help" misato asked, i paused then a smile appeared on my face

"you know what there is a way you can help me" i said, she smiled

"tell me, we will do anything we can" misato said

"GET OUT OF MY WAY" i shouted, before closing comms

"we deserved that" ritsuko said

"why would we deserve something like that, he's a mass murderer" midori snorted

"for that reason exactly, shinji isn't a mass murderer as you put he is just a child, a child that has never been given any love, and has been manipulated from the very start, ritsuko, get asuka and rei, i'm gonna go aboard that station

"should i prepare a landing party" ritsuko asked

"just asuka and rei, and maybe mari if she wishes to come, i am not putting a gun to his head, especially when he can very easily order our destruction" misato said

the angel lordTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang