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i didn't take long before the pendragon fleet heard of their queen's actions, and the nobles all came aboard to swear their loyalty to their new king, with this sagiri started to push for that marriage which she got, simply because now these people were his responsibility and he already had a rebellion to fight, with sagiri threatening war on top of it, well she got her wish

"fuck" i said

so there shinji was marrying sagiri asaemon yamada, soon to be sagiri ikari, and the two nations came together, the former yamada shogunate, and the kingdom of avalon, merged into the avorion empire, it's capital would be the capital city of avalon itself, once the move was complete he started work deconstructing the avorion dreadnoughts, as well as the ships from the other two former nations, he wasn't stupid about though, and managed to get a ceasefire from the rebellion, the ceasefire would last exactly one year, which allowed both sides to regroup and regather their forces, or in the rebellions case it would give them the opportunity to recruit unimpeded or at least that was the goal

in reality everyone knew of the kindness of the lord of avorion, and was quite unwilling to fight against him

"show me the new ships, love" sagiri said

"certainly, sagiri" i said, as i pulled out a datapad and put in a few commands 

"first we have the vigilance-class prowler, armed with six pulse-beam-gun point defense batteries, which i will henceforth be simply referring to as PBGs for conveniency sake, it is also armed with two fixed single barreled beam fusion cannons, and two torpedo tubes one fore, one aft, capable of firing dainsleif-class torpedos, the ship is crewed by thirty officers" i said

"then we have the reaper-class assault corvette, armed with eight  pulse-beam-gun point defense batteries two fixed single barreled beam fusion cannon, a single twin barreled beam fusion cannon turret, which is codenamed tyrfing and i will be refe...

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"then we have the reaper-class assault corvette, armed with eight pulse-beam-gun point defense batteries two fixed single barreled beam fusion cannon, a single twin barreled beam fusion cannon turret, which is codenamed tyrfing and i will be referring to it as such from this moment forward, finally it is armed with two torpedo tubes, again it is one fore and one aft,  and yet again they are capable of firing dainsleif-class torpedos, the ship is crewed by fifty officers"  i said

"next we have the nova-class light cruiser, significantly larger then the two previous ships in fact it's hanger bay holds a small task forces of them, but first armaments, the ship is armed with two tri-barreled positron particle accelerator cann...

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"next we have the nova-class light cruiser, significantly larger then the two previous ships in fact it's hanger bay holds a small task forces of them, but first armaments, the ship is armed with two tri-barreled positron particle accelerator cannon turrets, codenamed mjolnir, an additional three tyrfings, and eighteen PBGs, as well as four dainsleif torpedo launchers, two fore and two aft, the ship also has a reaper-class assault corvette, and two vigilance class prowlers housed with it's main hanger" i said

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