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two days later the dreadnoughts returned all but two of the ships were chock full of unmanned EVAs which avorion had to deconstruct

shinji ikari was currently in a meeting with queen artoria pendragon and sagiri asaemon yamada head of the yamada-clan, he looked tired

"you have yet to convince me that this is at all a good idea" i said my head resting on the knuckles of my right hand

"what do you mean, you cannot find us unattractive" sagiri said

"i never said you were, your both exceptionally beautiful women, i will not argue against that, however, looks do not dictate an entire relationship, and especially not a marriage, and you also have to remember i am one man who has to figure out how to pay equal attention to the both of you, and that doesn't even include the responsibilities that i'd be saddled with as husband to the both of you" i said

"you wouldn't have to do much" artoria argued

"really, alright let's go over the responsibilities if i were just to marry you queen pendragon, let's start with the war, i'd have to oversee the process of having your fleet completely rebuilt from scratch, which i should mention can only from avorion, then if we win the war, i'd then have to deal the responsibilities of being prince consort, and a general of your military at the least, as anything less would be a breach of authority, as prince consort, am i wrong anywhere so far" i asked, she blushed heavily

"no" she whispered so quietly she was almost left unheard

"do i need to go through your list" i asked

"nope, i am aware i am worse then the queen, as i am an active lord of a warrior clan" sagiri said

"exactly, at least someone is falling along, what do i get out of all this work, two women who do not know enough to even consider me a friend, let alone a lover, oh and you both will likely expect me to give you children which would be yet another responsibility, i do not see an upside, it sounds like all work, and no payoff whatsoever, because i damn well know it will be me who has to make sure the children we would have would be cared for if we did get married, as the mothers would be too busy, am i wrong so far" i said, artoria was blushing even harder if that were possible she was almost the color of asuka's EVA

"sex would be pleasant" sagiri pointed out

"i'd find more pleasure fucking nagisa here, do you know why, because i actually care for her" i said

"she can be your consort" artoria said getting control of herself, just to say something that made me role my eyes

"or i could just marry her, have a somewhat happy partner, and that is IF i wanted to marry which i don't" i said

"do you know the rarity of males like you" sagiri asked

"i am aware, i am one of the very few males with a mystic code and sacred art, what is your point, and if you say something about powerful children i swear to the lords above" i threatened, at that sagiri actually shut her mouth

"that's where you were going isn't it" i asked

"of course having powerful heirs would do well for my clan's future" sagiri said

"i don't particularly care how powerful my children are, they are my children" artoria said

"thank you for speaking some sense" i said

"is no your final answer then" sagiri said, i looked at her wearily

"if it is" i asked

"then i challenge you to trial by combat" sagiri said, artoria turned to her as if she were insane

"oh my lords almighty" i said to myself

"should i win you will at the least take me as your wife" sagiri said

"and if i were to win" i asked

"my fleet will leave you be" sagiri said

"terms" i asked

"a champion of mine versus her" sagiri said pointing towards nagisa, my eye twitched

"and if i decline" i asked

"we can continue this conversation" she said

"very well, have a seat then" i said, she blinked

"what" she asked

"we're continuing this conversation" i said

"are you a coward" sagiri asked

"keep in mind who you are challenging, your not asking to fight me, you are asking to fight and potentially kill the only friend i have" i said, sagiri visibly wilted at that

"my apologies" she said, having a seat

"this conversation that is going nowhere, i should mention" artoria said

"have any bright ideas" sagiri asked

"in fact i do, i queen artoria pendragon swear myself and my fleet to grand-master shinji ikari, ruler of avorion" artoria said, my eyes widened, as sagiri turned to artoria staring at her, this was a stroke of genius, even if shinji released artoria, her army still belonged to him

"the ball is in your court now" she said, my face fell into my hands as i sighed out

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