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Shinji moved to the main hanger

"I am having you all loaded aboard one of my dreadnoughts that will take you back to earth do not darken my doorstep again" I said to misato

"You aren't coming back with us" misato asked

"Hell no" I replied

"who are you" misato asked looking towards the blue haired girl

"nagisa, ayanami nagisa" nagisa said introducing herself, her eyes widened

"tabris" misato snarled

"the angel tabris is dead, i was created using what was left of his soul, and the soul of lilith that lived in the one you knew as rei ayanami, i am my own being, but i want to honor both of the people that made me, my parents if you will, hence the name" nagisa said

"i see, and your staying here" misato said

"i hold a deep affection to shinji ikari, coming from both of my forebearers" nagisa said, misato nodded she knew that both rei and tabris had affection for shinji, rei likely saw him as her first and really only crush, and tabris saw him as a friend if not a brother

"get out of my castle, katsuragi do not return" i said

"no, ritsuko can make sure they get home, but i'm not leaving" she said

"if you are not gone, i will have you thrown in my brig until i figure out what to do with you" i said

"fine, but i'm not leaving" misato said

"warden, escort her" i said, annoyed

"as you wish, master ikari" the warden said, ritsuko who heard it looked worriedly at her friend, but she knew misato was stubborn

"might as well take me too" asuka said

"if that is your wish" i said

it ended up with the warden escorting misato and both of the EVA pilots to the brig, giving each their own cell, mostly for paranoia reasons, shinji didn't want them able to work together to escape and do who knows what, nagisa however had not left his side

after the dreadnought departed leading a small fleet of eight other dreadnoughts shinji turned his attention to the fleets outside his door, first he summoned his charges

"weiss schnee, i am sure your sister, and the queen would be more then willing to take over the task of keeping you from my father, i see no reason for my protection of you to continue" i said

"i wish to remain here" weiss said

"for what purpose" i asked

"i wish to learn more about you, you have cared for me these last several months, helped me train, without asking for anything in return, my sister has told me some of the reasons why, i wish to know you however as a person" weiss said

"i also would like to learn more about you, and this new face that seems to be ghosting you" kiriko said, gesturing towards nagisa ayanami

"i see, this could mean that you will be against your sister in the future" i said

"i've fought her already once" weiss said

"yes but could you kill her, in the defense of avorion" i asked, she paused at that

"there is a reason for my solitude, and it isn't just personal, objectively if i am isolated, i do not tip the scales in either direction, should this fortress, become more public, like other fortresses have, it would significantly turn the tides, to whoever i am choosing to side with" i said

"you don't want to change the status quo" kiriko said

"correct, war is a terrible business, and no matter what action i take there will be children who lose their parents, unfortunately that is not something i am willing to deal with, i can deal with it if it were my inaction that caused it, but if me doing something actively causes that number to increase, i could not live with myself, and it will, there are good people on both sides of this conflict the galaxy is facing, people who truly believe in the cause they fight for" i said

"likewise there are terrible people on both sides as well" kiriko said, having experienced what he spoke of, i nodded

"her majesty may not wish to work with those individuals but she has little choice, such is war" i said

"with you, she could have a choice" weiss said

"maybe, or maybe i make the situation much worse" i said

the angel lordHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin