Addressing The Issues.

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It's June now and school is out. I assumed that meant Chan would disappear but surprisingly she didn't this year. Her and Chris worked it out I guess. He told me he did still have feelings for me but he would stop out of respect for our friendship and my friendship with Chanel. He stayed with her. I didn't even ask why. I didn't want to know. I put my attention elsewhere and let them do them but I made them promise to keep me out of it this time. Being the middleman was exhausting. I wanted separate relationships with the both of them. It went very smoothly for a while. I don't know when he was talking to Chan because he called me almost every night still. It was never anything flirty. Just talking about life but still. I didn't feel bad about it. It was what we always did and she said she didn't want any parts of our relationship either. Our worlds kind of intertwined when Chan and I had a sleepover that summer. It was the summer after ninth grade and before tenth grade. We had fun all day. Went shopping, got food, watched some movies. The afternoon turned into evening and finally night time. Chris called. They had been texting at some points throughout the day but he gave us our space. They were on the phone and she was very giddy. It was FaceTime so I could hear everything they were saying. I tuned them out and watched a video on my phone. I turned my headphones up until I couldn't hear. A few minutes later I got a tap on my shoulder.

"Chris said he's finna call you." Chan said.

"Y'all done talking?" I asked her quizzically.

"Yea sometimes I get so nervous looking at him that I don't know what to say. I just be staring at him. He's so fine." She said smiling.

"Awww isn't that sweeeettttt." I teased. Even though I knew Chris actually hated that. He said it drives him crazy when she does that and they can't have a real conversation. Before I backed out of all their relationship mess he told me it makes the relationship seem superficial. I couldn't tell her that though.

My phone rang.

"Hey bae." I heard him say.

"Wrong person." I said before hanging up. He called back laughing.

"Why you hang up on me Best?" He laughed some more.

"You called the wrong person. Call Chanel back." I said a little irritated.

"No, I called the right person." He said in his smooth deep voice. I got chills for a second.

"Let's not start that. Chanel is in the room and we already addressed it." I said speaking low.

"You got headphones in." He smirked. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." I smiled. I couldn't help it. I did miss him.

"Look at you smiling. I love that smile. I know you still like me. Just don't wanna admit it to yourself." He said smiling back with all his beautiful teeth. My lord in heaven.

"I do not. Now stop. Why you doing this rn?" I said.

Chanel had went downstairs to get chips and salsa.

"Doing what?" He said trying to sound innocent.

"This get you off?" I asked him irritated

"A little bit." He chuckled jokingly.

"Ew bye." I said about to hang up.

"Wait wait no I'm sorry bae. Talk to meee." He whined.

"No more funny business please and stop calling me bae." I told him sternly.

"Ok Ok I'm done fr." He said holding his hands up in surrender.

Just in time, Chanel got back.

"Thanks boo." I told her. She turned on her favorite show and I half watched and talked to Chris while eating my chips and salsa with her. We talked for a long time. He made me laugh a lot and Chanel chimed in as well sometimes. It felt normal. He finally got off of the phone when he got tired and told us to enjoy our sleepover. When he hung up Chanel got serious with me.

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