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Junhui come out of the room and see mingyu and wonwoo cleaning the room. He curse under his breath as he remember why was he sent home by wonwoo.

Wonwoo and mingyu were laughing and talking while cleaning. Mingyu was washing dishes while wonwoo cleaning dining table.

"You too seem close!"


"Do you know each other?!"

"I...uhh n..no!!!"

"Why are stuttering?!"

Junhui questioned as he see mingyu. Mingyu didn't know what to say so he just look at wonwoo and signed him to help him. Wonwoo just chuckle at mingyu and turned to junhui and glared at him

Junhui gulped.

"W...what...I didn't even do anything won..."

Wonwoo smile at junhui and get back to his work. Junhui smile as he see them laughing together. It was rare side of wonwoo. He doesn't really open up with anyone. Not even his parents...

Junhui was glad that he get to know about this side of wonwoo. He grab his coat from the hanger and put it on.

"Won... I'm going out.."


Junhui stop when he hear wonwoo shouting. He turned around and look at wonwoo.

"Where do you think you are going junhui?!"


"And why is that?"

"I want to go on a walk."

"No way junhui....have you looked at time... it's late you are not going anywhere."

"Ahh...whyy-- okayy!"

Junhui was about to protest but stop when he see his glare. He put his coat on it's place and get in the kitchen. He see mingyu looking in the fridge.

"What happened mingyu?!"

"Ahh..nothing . I'm just hungry!"

",ohh yes...I almost forget... Wonwoo had bought out dinner...so I think you should eat that!"

"Are you sure?? It will be not enough for you two!"

"No no we both are foodies...so we always buy extra..so yeah we have enough!"

"Okay then."

"Can you call minghao..he need to eat too.."

Junhui asked mingyu who nodded and make his way towards junhui's room."


Junhui turned around and see wonwoo looking at him with smirk.


"What were you two doing inside huh?!"

Junhui's eyes widen statement. He ignored wonwoo and begin to hear up their dinner.


"Ahh I'm full!!"

Junhui stated and pat his tummy. Minghao giggle at his movement but stop when he see junhui looking at him. But then he smirk.

'oh my god....what is wrong with this boy...waiter what is wrong with me....why am i keep blushing whenever he look at me.'

Minghao think as he found himself blushing from junhui's stare and his smirk.

Minghao just hang up on his phone and he feel tap over his shoulder. He see and it was mingyu, his best friend.



"What us going on with both of you huh?!"

Mingyu teased when he see minghao turning towards him. Minghao gave himba straight face.

"Did I ask you 'ohh gyu why do you always break something' when you broke something."

Minghao sassed and roll his eyes. Mingyu also rolled his eyes and get back to his thing.

Don't get them wrong. Their friendship is as strong as wonwoo and junhui has.. it's just they bicker alot.


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