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Next morning....

Minghao yawned and get up from his place where he sleep last night. He make his way towards bathroom to get fresh.

While in the kitchen wonwoo was making breakfast for four of them. He was humming a song while flipping the omlet.

That's when minghao come out of the room. Delicious smell of food get in his nose. He exhale the fresh smell and closed his eyes.

He make his way towards wonwoo.

"Good morning wonwoo!"

"Oh good morning minghao...how was your sleep?"

"It was good."

Wonwoo smile at his response and again started to humming song. Minghao shock a bit when he listened to hai murmuring.

"Woahh...your voice is deeper when you sing."

"Ohh thanks...I am really Into singing. I like rapping more."

"Ohh woow...mingyu like rapping too!!"

"Yeahh...I know.."

'ohh shit!'

Wonwoo cursed in his mind when he see Minghao frown at wonwoo's response. While wonwoo slowly look at him and smile nervously.

"I mean.. mingyu told me last night about his favourite things."

"Ohh okayy...well what about junhui!...what does he like!"

"Oh him... Trust me that boy can do everything but his favourite things to do is acting and dancing"

"Really...I like dancing too!"

As minghao said wonwoo looked at him with a little smirk.

"You both really have many same things."

Minghao blush at his statement.

"Yahh.. that's not fair!"

They both turned as they get anew voice beside them. They see mingyu in his morning hair walking towards them. Wonwoo chuckle while minghao just disgust his face.

"You didn't scold him when he tease you while me....you roasted me till I was burned."

Both laugh at mingyu's sudden whined. Minghao ruffle his hair and slap his cheeks slightly.

"Bitch mind your own business!"

"Ohh yeah sure you f-"

Mingyu didn't finish his sentence and run away when he see minghao's dang glare.


It was time for minghao and mingyu to get back. Junhui gave a hug to mingyu as wonwoo did the same to minghao.

Minghao tuned to junhui who was also looking at him. He blush and make his way towards him. He quickly gave a hug to junhui and back away. Minghao's face was bright red as he bite his lips to prevent his smile.

Junhui just winked at minghao and smile when he see his reaction. They both turned to look at mingyu and wonwoo. They were also hugging and they pull away free a few seconds.

What both Chinese boys didn't notice was mingyu pecking wonwoo's head and wonwoo's blush.

Mingyu and minghao walked away after bidding their byes. Junhui sigh and get ready for their work. Wonwoo followed him and also get ready.

There was silence but it didn't last long when....


Wonwoo almost fall on the ground when he heard junhui shouting. He look at him with widen eyes.

"W...what happened?!"

"I forget to get his number!"





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