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"Now I'm not going to your room....how dare you teased me huh?!"

Minghao said and sit on the coach crossing hai legs. Junhui stop laughing and look at minghao with a small smile.

"Okay okay...I'm sorry.."


"Please haoo let's go na!!"

"No...I'm not standing up!"

"You did not left me with a choice."

"What do you mean?!"

Junhui sigh and pick up minghao in bridal style. Minghao widen his eyes and immediately wrap his hands around junhui's neck. He look at him in disbelief.

"What  are you doing..."

"Sim e you are not listening to me I had no option just to lift you up!"

Junhui said and smile. He kiss on top of his forehead and shoot a sweet smile. Minghao get shy and hide his gar in junhui's neck. Junhui chuckle and make his way towards his room.

He place minghao on his bed and sit beside him. Minghao was looking at his lap feeling shy. His both cheeks were as red as tomato. Junhui caress his cheeks with his fingers.

Minghao leaned in his touch and look up at junhui. Junhui come close to him and leaned down.

"I love you hao."

With that he closed gap between them and press his lips against the younger's. Junhui see minghao closing his eyes. He smile in kiss when he feel him kissing back.

They were kissing patiently. They pull away and smile at each other.

"I love you too!"

Minghao said and peck his lips. Junhui pull him into a hug.

Junhui get up and took his laptop and put it on his bed. He see minghao laying on his stomach so he does the same.


It was 11:47 when junhui notice minghao sleeping beside him. He smile and pick him up and put him in comfortable position. He slip beside him and closed his eyes.

They were sleeping when junhui feel minghao moving. He open his eyes and see minghao crying in his sleep.

He sat up and try to wake minghao up by shaking him but he stopped when notice him not waking up.

He made minghao sit and pull him into his lap. He warp minghao's legs around his own waist and put his hands around younger's waist.

He start to rub his back while saying sweet things in his ear. Soon he notice minghao clam down. He sigh and shake him.

Minghao open his eyes and find himself on top of junhui. He look down at junhui and smile at him. He peck his lips.

"Thank you jun."

"I have clearly told you don't thank me just smile and it will be done....but"


"Now you have to kiss me after giving smile..."

Minghao try to hide his smile and decide to tease him.

"but it was just about hugging not kissing!"

Minghao said and smile. Junhui stare at him smile back at him. He peck both of his cheeks.

"Well back then you were just a friend but now you are my boyfriend.."

Junhui said and wink. Minghao smile and push himself on junhui. As result both of them were now laying on the bed.

"I love you"

"I love you too."

Junhui answered and kiss him. Minghao kissed him while getting on top of him. After that they continue their sleep.


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