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He was tired.

Izuku Midoriya was tired.

Every single day he was training to uphold a legacy he didn't even want to fulfill.

He didn't even know about it until after AllMight gave him the quirk.

You would think that he should've known he would have had a 200 year old relic chasing after him for the quirk he now owned.

Apparently, it was deemed unimportant though since AllMight claimed he had already disposed of him. That's also where his stupidity comes in.

It's common knowledge that if you didn't find a body, then the person is most definitely alive.

Everyone who knew about One for all and All for one failed to comprehend this though.

Izuku didn't even see the point in this battle. Why should he continue something he has no interest in? Why should he continue the legacy when he never signed up for it?

The only thing he asked for was a quirk, not whatever else came with the package.

If he could, Izuku wanted to run away as far as possible, just to get away from everyone.

Not only did he have to deal with the pressure of One for all, but he also had to deal with the peer pressure from his classmates and teachers.

His classmates had deemed him the class cinnamon roll, which is hilarious because that was quite the opposite.

It's also kind of funny that they expect so much from him but they aren't even really friends with him.

Sure, he has conversations with them, but only when he goes to them first. They never come to him first.

Izuku also has Mr. Aizawa always saying how he needed to get his quirk under control and stop breaking his bones. Now, Izuku would love to do that, but that's kind of hard when you have a quirk that's been cultivated for 8 generations before you.

Mr. Aizawa would also know that he was a late bloomer if he had taken the time to read the student files, which he neglected.

Even Recovery Girl doesn't want to have to deal with him anymore, saying that if he keeps breaking his bones she's going to stop healing him. That's also ridiculous, since she's the school nurse and could most definitely get fired for refusing the treatment of her patient, but that didn't stop her.

She was also always telling him along with AllMight that he needed to get the quirk under control so he could be the next Symbol of Peace.

Had they ever stopped to consider the fact that he didn’t even want to be the next Symbol of Peace? Sure, Izuku will admit that he had originally wanted to be a hero just like AllMight when he was younger, but after meeting the man, he changed his mind drastically.

From what he’s seen, AllMight is a giant yellow buffoon who only really cares about the legacy of One for All and Izuku’s becoming the next Symbol of Peace. Not once had he asked him what Izuku wanted to do with the quirk instead.

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