When Dabi saw Midoriya chained down to the ground, he froze. He couldn't move, but he didn't know why. Was it fear? Was it anger? He didn't know.

Come on Dabi, snap out of it and call the League! The kids in trouble!

Quickly snapping out of his frozen like state, Dabi whipped his burner phone out and pulled up the contact for Shigaraki. He quickly sent a text to the boss explaining the situation. Dabi told them to warp immediately because they would have to run for a while before they reached where he was.

Dabi knew it would be awhile before the League actually made it to where he was, so he wasn't sure what he should do. He didn't know how quickly the betting for the kid would be, and he didn't know what would happen in between.

From where Dabi was crouching, it looked like Midoriya had been beaten half to death. He would be lucky if he woke up anytime soon. Dabi guessed that Midoriya had been out of it for a while, and probably had no idea of what was going on.

Before he could continue towards the kids direction though, Dabi sensed someone behind him. Quickly turning around, Dabi threw out his fire, hoping to quickly take care of whoever it was that had decided to sneak up on him.

When his fire dispersed, Dabi saw that his fire had indeed hit its target, and they were no longer conscious. Dabi slowly got up, and cautiously walked towards his perpetrator in case something unexpected happened.

When nothing happened, Dabi reached down to see if he could identify who the person was. The one thing Dabi did notice was the snake-like emblem on the guy's jacket. That emblem meant that the guy he just torched was from the Vipers.

Just great, I torched one of the Vipers and they probably know I'm here. This is turning into one big mess.

Deciding to do what was best for right now, Dabi lit the guy on fire and turned him to ash. It was better if the guy couldn't go back to report to anyone.

Even if they knew he was here, there was a good chance they didn't know who exactly was here, and he would rather leave it that way for the time being.

Looking up, Dabi surveyed his surroundings, trying to see if there was anyone else left to ambush him.  After he was sure there was no one else stalking him, Dabi slowly slipped into the shadows to bring himself closer to the arena.

If Dabi could get closer to the arena, then he could see better what he was dealing with. He could also get a better view of the kid.

Dabi knew that the kid had some sort of strength quirk, so it didn't make sense why he couldn't escape, so there must be something blocking him from doing so. The only thing he could think of was that the Vipers had gotten their hands on a pair of the quirk blocking cuffs or bullets that were circling around in the black market.

If it was the bullets, Dabi didn't know that much about them. He had no idea how long they lasted, or how they affected the person hit by it. It was best to avoid any gunshots in the vicinity so he didn't lose his quirk either. If Dabi also lost his quirk, he and the Midoriya brat would be royally screwed.

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