Izuku had no idea how long he was out of it for. The only thing he knew was that he was drifting in and out of consciousness. From what he could make out, it looked like he was in a cell. He could also feel the heavy restraints tearing down at his body. The metal was digging into the parts of his arm that it held in its grip, and Izuku was pretty sure he could feel a little blood dripping down his arms. It wasn’t very comfortable to say the least.

Izuku thought he was hearing a couple voices from down the corridor, but he wasn’t very sure since he most definitely wasn’t in the best state of mind right now. Izuku was able to make out the words,





Safe to say Izuku did not like what he was hearing. It was obvious the U.A. and kid part was about him, since that’s where he went. If he also attached gangs to it, then that meant he was probably taken down by a gang of some sorts. Where would the money come in then? Izuku wasn’t quite sure about the money part, but then again, he had no idea if what he heard was true or not, or if he was just highly delusional right now. It was at this moment that Izuku thanked whatever deity that was out there that he had such a high pain tolerance. Sure, it hurt, but at least he could tolerate it without making a sound. Izuku’s head did feel like it was going to split open though, which made sense since he’s pretty sure he got whacked in the back of the head by something extremely heavy. His shoulder was also piercing in pain as well.

Probably from the bullet, I think anyway.

His arms were also really sore too. They were probably really sore from being tightened down by the restraints being used to keep him in place. Izuku wasn’t really sure why they needed to put him in restraints though since he couldn’t use his quirk and there was no way he was moving his body anytime soon, but whatever makes them happy. Hearing footsteps headed towards him, Izuku tried to look up to see if he could see anything. The only thing he was able to see though were the blurry figures standing in front of the cell bars. At least, that's what he thought they were anyway. He heard the cell door being opened, and it also sounded like someone was walking towards him. Before he could even get the chance to try and see who it was, he was hit in the back of the head.

When Izuku awoke again, it was to the sounds of screaming and shouting. He had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was it sounded like a fight. Izuku could just barely make out the fact that his arms were bound to the ground by the chains, only this time he was sure he was outside. Looking up, Izuku saw a lot of blurry figures. He also saw a lot of bright colors, which were not helping him at the moment. It seemed that whatever was going on involved quirks, so it was safe to assume that people were most definitely fighting. About what, he had no idea. Especially since there was no way anyone would be fighting over him. Right?

The brightest color Izuku saw in the field was a bright blue. It was really pretty. It also looked like the blue was getting closer to him, so maybe he would be able to see it better up close. The closer the blue got, the warmer the atmosphere around Izuku got as well. Izuku still couldn’t tell who was emitting the blue substance, but he could make out that the figure was primarily dressed in dark clothing.

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