It was a quiet night, emphasis on the word was .

Shigaraki was having the time of his life playing video games in his room, reveling in the fact that he could finally play in peace. Unfortunately, that thought flew out the window as soon as Shigaraki heard a crash come from the main room. While slowly getting up and walking down to the mainroom, Shigaraki heard music being played, and thought, what the hell are those idiots doing?

Shigaraki figured that whatever they were doing was stupid and was probably a waste of time, although that thought was cut off as soon as he stepped into the bar. In the middle of the bar, Twice, Toga, and Spinner were dancing like their lives depended on it. Shigaraki continued to look around the room, seeing Dabi staring at the three with a hint of amusement on his face. He then turned to Compress and Magne, who upon his gaze just shrugged their shoulders. He had no idea what he had walked into, and he wasn’t even sure if he truly wanted to know.

Alas, Dabi spotted him and said with a smirk, “Hey boss, if you’re gonna keep staring like that, you might as well join in.”

As if on cue, all heads in the room swiveled towards him, and Toga bounded up to him, exclaiming how he should join their dance party.

“There is no way in hell I will be joining your dance party,” Shigaraki said defiantly.

“Oh come on Tomu-kun, I promise that it will be loads of fun!” Toga happily stated.




Toga pouted. “Oh come on, you’re no fun!”

“That is because there are better things we could be doing right now instead of having dance parties, like spying on those UA brats,” Shigaraki said while scratching his neck.

“Tomu-kun, I already know everything there is to know about my precious Izu-kun and Ochako-chan!” Toga said with a smile.

“So you know where they live and who they’re friends with?” Shigaraki questioned.

“Of course!” Toga replied.

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes. “Then why the hell aren’t they sitting in this bar at this very moment?”

“To be fair boss, you haven’t said anything about it in awhile, naw, we just thought it was boring.” Twice stated.

“I guess that’s fair," Shigaraki mumbled.

“You bet it is! It absolutely isn’t!” Twice cheered.

This was great. If they could just kidnap that green headed brat and kill him, then they would definitely be able to wound All Might. Not only that, but it would please his sensei as well.

“Well then Dabi and Toga, I want you two to go to that green brat’s house and kidnap him. Bring him back here alive so we can shove it in UA’s face that they let another student get kidnapped," Shigaraki said gleefully.

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