When Twice got the call from Giran, the bar was met with deafening silence. It was the type of silence that begged for the one thing the people engulfed in it wanted to hear. No one dared to make a move, scared that one sudden movement could ruin everything.

When Twice was done with the call, and had put his phone away, he had slowly turned around to face the rest of the League. Shigaraki saw that the rest of the League were wearing looks of anticipation, along with himself. They wanted to know, would they get what they wanted? Or would they get rejection that would probably pierce them like a bullet? They so desperately wanted to know, so they all waited with bated breath for Twice to dictate what would happen in the near future.

“Giran really pulled through! Got us the kid’s relevant location! Horrible job done.”

After Twice spoke, the whole bar broke out into cheers of excitement and happiness. Shigaraki was very happy as well. He had noticed that over the past two days that the relevant mood in the League had turned sour. He chalked it up to the fact that everyone was dying to know what the brat had meant in his letters. They had all waited the past two days in anticipation, hoping that they would soon find the answer they were all looking for. Now that it was verified that they had a relevant location for the kid, everyone was ecstatic. No one knew this, but seeing the League in good spirits brought a small smile to Shigaraki’s face.

“Come on Twice! Tell us where Izu-kun is! We’ve all been waiting for the past two days!” Toga said excitedly.

“Yes, please do enlighten us of his whereabouts,” Mr. Compress said.

“You got it Compress and Toga! Giran told me that his relevant location is somewhere in the abandoned part of Hosu. What an idiot.” Twice stated.

“Hold up, isn’t that part of Hosu really dangerous?” Spinner questioned.

“Yeah, it is. I was actually wholed up there for awhile as a kid, and frankly, it's no place for a kid to crash,” Dabi said.

“Yes, Dabi is correct. That part of Hosu is always filled with multiple gangs. Gang wars are very common there. What do you wish to do with this information, Tomura Shigaraki?” Kurogiri questioned.

“Yeah Shiggy! He could die if we don’t get there soon!” Toga said worriedly.

“Relax Toga. It’s good to know where he is, but unfortunately, just running into unknown territory will probably be dangerous for us,” Shigaraki said carefully.

“I could probably help with that crusty, I know the area pretty well,” Dabi suggested.

“Hmph, guess you’re finally useful for something then,” Shigaraki teased.

Dabi narrowed his eyes. “I’m opting to ignore that comment right now, and only because I’m going to go scout the area in that part of Hosu.”

“That does sound like a good idea, having someone familiar with the terrain checking the place out first, although you should at least have a way to communicate with us if something goes wrong,” Mr. Compress exclaimed.

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