Izuku had no idea where he was going. He was just letting his feet carry him wherever.

Running away was a spur of the moment thing, but he noticed that the farther he walked, the lighter he felt. It felt like all of his problems were cascading off of him in waves. It felt great. Izuku had never before felt so light in his entire life. Maybe running away was a good thing, it gave him time to try and process and decipher the thoughts he had been having.

Izuku knew now that the world wasn't so black and white, and that it was actually painted in more shades of gray. Not a lot of people knew this though, only the ones that were affected by those various shades knew what hid beneath the surface.

Continuing to walk through whatever city he was in, Izuku wondered if his classmates would even care that he was missing. They probably wouldn't find out for another couple of days though, considering he had just left. What would they do when they found out? Would they jump to try and rescue him like with Bakugou, or would they shrug it off and continue on with the rest of their days?

Those questions were gnawing at him, but Izuku continued to walk, hoping that those thoughts would soon disappear like all the others.

Izuku took the time to see if he could recognize any of his surroundings, taking note of a sign that said 'Welcome to Hosu City'. So he was in Hosu, where Stain and the nomu attacked in the same night. That brought Izuku to think back on the encounter with Stain.

Izuku realized that the more he thought about it, the more he agreed with Stain's ideals. Sure he didn't condone the killing, but that didn't mean his ideals weren't valid. From the loads of research that Izuku had done, he at least knew that much. He even took the time to research some of Stain's victims as well.

After thorough research, Izuku concluded that the majority of the heroes that Stain killed were indeed false heroes. Using their quirks for personal gain and only caring about fame. The only hero that didn't make sense was Ingenium. Ingenium was a very selfless hero, always saying that without his sidekicks he wouldn't be where he was. He never took the credit for himself, always praising his co-workers.

Izuku just couldn't seem to find the reason why Stain thought he was fake. This brought Izuku to think that while Stain's ideals did hold some truth, they also needed a lot of revision.

Stain had specifically said that All Might was the only true hero out there, but it's kind of hard to raise others onto the same pedestal as All Might. All Might was a one man powerhouse, so no one could ever truly compare to him.

That leads Izuku to think that Stain should've reevaluated his outlook on heroes, to try and truly see who was fake and who wasn't. Stain never truly said what the standards were for a true hero, and that raises some questions. What is a true hero, and what does it take to become one? In this day and age, the meaning of a hero has been heavily skewed. It was speared by a spike multiple times and woven around to please the people.

Most heroes nowadays only really cared about their public image, and what the people thought about them. What happened to being a hero just to save people? Not just to thrash villains around in a flashy way? Quirks weren't meant to be flaunted around for show, they were just supposed to be tools to help the people in the long run.

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