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Izuku had woken up to the sound of bickering. When he figured out who exactly was bickering, he felt the sudden urge to laugh. The two most dangerous members of the League were currently insulting each other over him.

It was laughable that he had woken up at the exact moment that they had started talking about him. Izuku wondered if the League fought like that a lot, so he voiced his opinion.

He was not expecting however for the whole bar to fall silent and slowly turn their heads to face towards him.


As everyone stared at him, Izuku felt the urge to cause even more chaos.

So he did.

While smiling and waving, Izuku said,

"Hey Shigaraki, Dabi"

It worked out perfectly. Everyone besides the two that he addressed looked at him like he had grown two heads. He actually might have considering he was just casually addressing dangerous people, but he didn't feel like he was in danger, so he let it slide.

For the next minute or so the League just continued to stare at him. It was like being watched by unmoving statues. It freaked Izuku out a little bit. So when he went to break the silence, he was shocked when someone started laughing.

Izuku turned to face where the sound was coming from, and saw Shigaraki laughing.


It wasn't his creepy insane laugh either, it sounded like a genuine laugh. That was not what Izuku was expecting to happen, but it's not like he was expecting anything less crazy to happen.

As Shigaraki continued to laugh, Dabi joined in as well.

After Dabi joined in, the rest of the League just stared at the two like they were going insane. Actually they weren't sure if they were going insane or if the two people laughing were going insane.

Izuku just continued to watch the two men laughing with a small smile on his face. He had only ever seen them be serious, and everyone deserved a break once in a while. Even if they were villains they still needed to take breaks, because life could be tiring.

Izuku knew that first hand.

Toga, the brave soul, decided to be the one to interrupt the laughing fit that the two were currently having.

"Um..why are you guys laughing?"

While trying to catch his breath, Shigaraki replied,

"Because, I wasn't expecting the hero brats first reaction to be to greet us!"

Dabi, while also trying to slow his breathing down, said,

"Same, thought it was pretty comical"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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