I'm Fine

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One year had passed since the death of Amelia's mother. Those included days of sleepless nights, weeks of endless crying, and months of constant abuse from her boyfriend.

He would scream at her or beat her senseless and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She was too numb. That was what hurt the most, the feeling of nothing.

So there she laid; on the floor of the living room with a bruised eye, broken bones, and a numbing feeling inside her chest. The tears streamed down her face, but she couldn't care less about them.

She remembered when times were simpler. When her mother was still alive, she did anything to get Amelia's boyfriend away from her. He was abusive before, he's abusive now. Amelia said nothing as her boyfriend, Acel, stood and watched her.

"Get up." He spat.

Hesitantly, she moved her arms underneath her chest and started to push up. She moved her right leg to a position to help her.

Before she could completely get off the floor she felt a sharp kick to her stomach that sent her back to the ground. Acel rolled his eyes at her actions.

"Pathetic." He mumbled.

He moved and stepped over her to get out of the living room and to his bedroom. Amelia continued to lay there, beaten.

She once again moved her arms under her chest and pushed herself up. She placed her right leg and completely got to a standing position. She wobbled a little, but she never fell.

Tears continued to pour out her eyes as she made it out of the living room and to the stairs.

As she walked up the steps, she tripped on the fourth one and immediately gripped the rail. A snap was heard and she had to bite her lip from crying out. She felt that pain, but it was gone as quick as it came and she was back to feeling nothing. She let go of the rail and continued her ascension.

When she reached the top, she quietly made her way into her room and closed the door. She slowly lowered herself on the mattress inside as to not hurt herself anymore.

She laid her head on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. She hadn't bothered to turn the lights on so she simply watched the shadows interact around her.

Her tears hadn't stopped. She could feel their weight on her cheeks but couldn't feel the weight of the sadness behind them.  She was tired. She closed her eyes, but she never fell asleep that night.


7:00 am is when the alarm clock on the small dingy table near the bed rang. Amelia grudgingly opened her eyes, now feeling well rested. She stayed, staring up at the ceiling fan as the sun shone outside and the alarm clock kept on.

She felt a ghastly amount of pain in her right eye, right arm, and left leg. It's where the broken brines were, she figured. She continued to stare at nothing before reaching over and turning the alarm clock off.

She sat on the edge of the bed facing the bathroom. With the little energy she had, she got up and walked towards it. She left the light off, feeling a headache forming at the little light shining in through the window across her bed.

She got ready for the day of meaningless work. She dressed in a uniform for the coffee shop she worked at and stared at the body length mirror hanging on the door of her bedroom. She looked fine. She didn't feel fine.

She saw the bruises littered across her body and walked to the bathroom to cover them up with concealer. As she dabbed some on, she continued to look at herself in the mirror of the bathroom.

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