Scrambled Eggs

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Amelia walked out of her room, fully dressed, and closed the door behind her. Her eyes landed on Sir Pentious carrying a wheelbarrow with a canon in it. He closed his own door room behind him, before making eye contact with Amelia.

"Hey, Pentious, uh..." she paused, looking at the weaponry. "Watcha got there?"

Pentious smiled and held tightly onto his canon. "Ah, Ms..."

"Just call me Amelia." She told him.

"Amelia," he continued. "It is a cannon."

Amelia looked at him with a smile. "Yeah, I can see that." She said. "Why?"

Pentious stared at her for a moment, seemingly star-struck with her looks. For a human, she was gorgeous. From her beautiful hazel eyes and her perfectly blonde hair all the way to her curves, there was nothing wrong with her. She was perfect in his eyes.

"Well," Pentious said, regaining his composure with a light shade of pink on his face. "It-it doesn't matter! What matters is that we go into the lobby and use my machinery for evil-for good!"

Amelia stared at him strangely. Is he mentally... okay?

"Please..." he said with much less confidence.

Amelia smiled again. "Let's use it for good." She agreed.

The walked down the stairs together, Pentious carrying his machines and Amelia looking for an opportunity to help. Every step they took, an egg-looking-thing would appear next to them.

"Pentious, what are those?" She asked him, gesturing to the eggs following behind them.

"Those are my eggies." Was all he said.

She waited for him to say more, expecting an explanation, maybe even a whole life story. Pentious said nothing else, so she left it at that.

The eventually made it downstairs where Charlie and Vaggie were organizing the lobby, Vaggie more focused on the canon than her girlfriend.

"What the hell is that?!" Vaggie asked.

"Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000!" Pentious explained. "I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents."

"What the fuck?" Amelia asked.

She thought he said he was using it for something good. Did this mean he'd shoot her?

"What? Why?" Charlie asked.

"Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie." Pentious said, thinking back on how nice Amelia is to him. "I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here."

Two demon teenagers walk into the building with multiple packages. Pentious ran over to them in excitement.

"Sign, please." One of them says, holding out a piece of paper. Pentious does as told and she thanks him for purchasing from Carmine.

"Carmine?" Vaggie asked. "As in, Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?!"

"Of course." Pentious said. "She's the top weapons dealer in hell."

"Okay, well, that stops right now." Vaggie ordered. She then started taking some of Pentious' boxes away. "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome." She explained.

Pentious looked around the hotel. He made eye contact with Husk, who flipped him off. He then made eye contact with Angel, same result. He looks at Niffty and in return gets a creepy smile and chuckle from her.

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