The Beginning

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"Surprise." Amelia quietly said with a shaky voice.

Vaggie stared at her in bewilderment, Niffty in excitement and Alastor in curiosity. Husk, Charlie, and Angel Dust already knew about Amelia's predicament.

"What the fuck." Vaggie said more as a statement. "Can humans even- when did- are you..." she was at a loss for words.

Alastor teleported through a shadow and ended up behind her to pull her hood down. He stared at her face.

"Well," he stated. "Quite an impressive thing to hide. You fooled me." He chuckled at his own lie. "Let's start again. I'm Alastor! Pleasure to meet you, human."

Of course he knew she was human but no one needed to know that. He laid a loose hand on Amelia's shoulder, to which she smiled at. Husk cut his eyes at the gesture. Niffty bounced around her.

"I haven't seen a living being in a long time." She giggled and went off to chase a bug. Charlie saw this as the perfect time to step in.

"I know it's a huge change and it's going to take a long time to trust her," Charlie started. "But it'll work out. I'll get her home and everything will be perfect!"

Husk's calm nature dropped. She wanted to go home? Why? He thought she hated it on earth. Did she want to leave him? He didn't even get the chance to tell her how he felt and he knows he's too chicken to do so now.

Amelia looked at Husk and winked. She then put her finger to her lips and quickly put them back down. Husk's anxiety went away. She was just lying to Charlie. Husk smiled at her cute gesture.

"Any questions?" Charlie asked. No one had any. "Good! Then this is a great start! Anyway, since the extermination is a year away let's get cracking on figuring out how to get more patrons for the hotel!"

Everyone in the hotel groaned except for Alastor and Vaggie.

"Alright, everyone!" Vaggie yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. "Let's make this the best year, yet." She said.

And so, our story officially begins...

Hazbin Hell (Various HH x Human!OC)Where stories live. Discover now