Hazbin Hotel

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Amelia approached the double doors of the Hazbin Hotel. She knew Husk was inside. She figured he would need her help. She knocked in a musical pattern, like how she always would with Husk.

She waited at the two large doors for a few minutes before a woman opened them. She had blonde hair and red eyes. Her skin was a beautiful porcelain white and her blush was permanent. She was gorgeous.

Amelia studied her features before realizing this was the princess of hell. She immediately took a bow.

"Your highness." She said.

The princess started to get nervous. No one had ever showed her this much respect.

"Oh... please, you don't need to bow." She said and grabbed Amelia's hands to lift her up. "I'm Charlie. Charlie Morningstar. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" For a demon in hell, she was very kind.

"I'm Amelia." She replied back, taking her hands away from the demon woman. "Do you know someone by the name of... Husk?" She asked Charlie.

Charlie looked confused for a moment. How did she know him? Did Husk know her? Would she still want to stay at the hotel?

"Uh, yeah!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Can I see him?" She asked her.

Charlie couldn't resist. She was just too nice.

"Of course!" She said.

Charlie let go of Amelia's hands and gestured for her to follow. Amelia walked in the hotel after Charlie and noticed Husk standing behind a bar counter in the hotel. Of course he was a bartender, he was always drunk.

Amelia rushed to him and gave Husk a comfortable hug, burying her face in his chest. Husk was about to push her away thinking it was Charlie until he saw her physical features. His eyes softened.

"Amelia?" Husk asked and tilted her face upwards to see if it was her. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to make sure you're okay." Amelia said. "How long are you going to stay here?" She asked.

She pulled away from the hug, much to Husk's displeasure, and sat down on one of the bar stools. She kept glancing at the alcohol bottles behind the cat demon. All these months and she still couldn't keep her addiction from bubbling up.

"I'm staying here until the hotel is either shut down, or until Alastor doesn't need me." He grumbled out and took another swig of his drink.

"Oh." Amelia said.

Charlie watched their interactions and figured she realized how they knew each other.

"Aw, Husk. I didn't realize you had a girlfriend." She said to him.

Husk choked on his drink and Amelia started to awkwardly laugh.

"No, no we're not..." Amelia stuttered. "He's my..." she didn't know how to respond to this. People have thought this before, Amelia guessed, but no one's ever said it out loud. "We're just friends." She quickly explained.

Husk had stopped choking and nodded his head. "Yeah..." he looked at Amelia, who was looking at Charlie. "Just friends..." he quietly said. He turned his attention to Charlie and took another gulp of alcohol.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Charlie said. "I shouldn't have assumed that you two were something more."

Amelia gave a small smile to her kind behavior.

"It's no problem." Amelia said. "Husk and I are really close. I can understand why you thought that."

Husk smiled at that answer and Charlie noticed it. He loved her, she didn't love him back. It made her drop her smile slightly at the thought.

Hazbin Hell (Various HH x Human!OC)Where stories live. Discover now