A Powerful Overlord

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Amelia looked around so called 'hell'. She didn't believe she was dead. She still had a heart beat and she felt alive. Even if she was dead, why was she in hell? She hadn't done anything wrong.

He heart stopped when she noticed the creatures walking around the city she was in. They looked like monsters. Some of them had horns or teeth. Some had blood on their clothing or were bleeding out.

Every one of them, Amelia noticed, took the resemblance of an animal of some sort. Either way, they all were terrifying to look at and definitely not human. She really was in hell. Those were demons.

"What the hell?" A demon called out. "Is she... alive?"

That question made every demon in hell stop what they were doing to see if the demon was right. An eerie silence followed that, the only noise being Amelia's racing heart and ragged breathing.

"I want her!" A different demon shouted out.

And just like that, chaos erupted. Demons pushed each other, screamed, and killed one another just to 'have' Amelia. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to find out.

She took a step behind her but couldn't walk any further. Demons were pushing past each other in every other direction to get to her as well. She didn't have a way out. Demons circled around her. Some were able to reach out and grab her shirt, but were forced away by another demon that would do the same thing.

The continued to crowd her and shout. It overwhelmed her too much. Her vision started to get blurry and her legs began to feel weak. She could barely stand. When a demon accidentally pushed her, she fell to the ground.

She couldn't get up. Her breathing was rugged and there was a ringing in her ears. She couldn't hear what the demons were saying. Then a loud, rich voice stopped everything all at once.

"What the hell is going on?!" The male voice asked.

Every demon tore their attention away from their prey as they focused on the new demon. No one made a sound. He simply walked forward and everyone made a path for him. Nobody wanted to mess with an overlord.

The overlord made it to the human girl who was curled up in a ball on the ground. Her eyes were closed, expecting something bad to happen. The overlord's eyes softened.

She was scared. It reminded him of his first time in hell. The human girl opened her eyes and looked up at him.

He was a cat demon. He had large red and black wings with a colorful pattern of dots on them. His hair was slicked back and had orange highlights in them. He had large, red bushy eyebrows and sharp claws. He wore a suit with an orange bow tie. He was more put together than the other demons and he seemed more powerful.

When he finally caught her attention, he paused. Brown beautiful eyes, yet behind them held a sadness he had never experienced. A beautiful face and it was covered with bruises and scars. These demons didn't lay a hand on her, she got hurt from someone else.

He wanted to help her, but he knew he'd be deemed as weak. He had to keep his power and status of an overlord.

"Shoo." Was all he said. And she did.

Amelia picked herself up and ran off. She disappeared into an alleyway and the crowd of demons looked at the overlord in question. He didn't need to explain himself, though. Those demons didn't need to know why.

The overlord turned around and continued his journey to where he was going before.

Hazbin Hell (Various HH x Human!OC)Where stories live. Discover now